Agreed, what I was wonder is if Trump not going to upset this planned pathway to reforms by XI.. Could trump belligerence allow the Pro-Mao (those direct descendants of Mao inner circle) take on XI instead of retreating and hoping they do not become victims of the purge. I know the vast majority of Chinese want XI to cleanup corruption and do something about pollution. I think the communist Congress realizes the need to hasten governance reforms.. but we have never seen a transition of such a behemoth like China from authoritarian to capitalism to good governance
Anything is possible, but I don't see how. Again, my personal impressions, rather that "solid evidence":
- I doubt that much of the current Chinese generation (say, under 40) really cares a great deal for Mao and "communism"---within a single generation, they have seen the benefits of "capitalism". As far as I can tell, this lot largely sees Mao as a very important, but "gone by" figure, and the "Neo/Post Maoists" as a misguided fringe element.
- But Mao and "communism" are still very important at the highest levels of politics, as a useful "cover", and Xi understands that perfectly. He will use whatever names and quotations he "needs" to: ... we have strayed quite a bit from Mr. "Grab 'em by the pussy". I'm all for a tough approach with China. In fact, much as I detest the man and his basket of deplorables and most of what they stand for, he might actually do Africa some good: All these African "leaders" who have lately been going around with "we are independent, sovereign, and equal and have no use with neo-colonialism and imperialism (except for the freebies)" could do with a "fuck you too, now fend for yourself". Time to grow up.