Tues 9th August 2022, Election Day
Two black men have been shot dead by police in the US this week, the latest in a line of similar incidents, many of which have led to protests.Philando Castile was shot in his car in St Paul, Minnesota, on Wednesday as he reached for his driving licence, his girlfriend said in a Facebook Live video taken during the aftermath.His death follows that of Alton Sterling, who was shot dead by police during an incident in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Tuesday.
Something to think about:https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings-2016/According to the information in the above link, twice as many whites have been shot and killed by police than blacks.
Police say they were serving an outstanding warrant when they came upon Keith Lamont Scott in his car. They say Scott got out, had a gun on him, and put the officers in imminent danger. Officer Brentley Vinson shot Scott.
According to witnesses, this one in North Carolina was sitting in his car reading, waiting for his son to get back from school. Police claim that he threatened them with a gun - who believes this kind of BS? In any case, North Carolina is an open-carry state. In any case, kid gets home, disabled daddy shot dead.QuotePolice say they were serving an outstanding warrant when they came upon Keith Lamont Scott in his car. They say Scott got out, had a gun on him, and put the officers in imminent danger. Officer Brentley Vinson shot Scott.http://www.wcnc.com/news/local/one-dead-from-officer-involved-shooting-in-charlotte/322106162