Author Topic: Peter Kenneth, the Mt. Kenya presumptive candidate for Jubilee Party in 2022  (Read 2511 times)

Offline Pajero

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Offline RV Pundit

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Uhuru is the guy to make Ruto pork and in the meantime he enjoys real power so I don't know what crisis is this.Rails and Kalonzo didn't have the leverage of 1m acres occupied by 1m kikuyus in riftvalley.And by 2022 mt Kenya totally votes will be Ruto is working hard to win over other tribes.Even if all my Kenya votes for Kenneth they would still be maybe third...with Ruto going second.Ruto has best shot going 2022.

Offline Pajero

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This time they will be well prepared,unlike 2007 when you ambushed them.Uhuru will also deploy strong contigent of security personell.

Offline Kichwa

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Ruto only has power to steal and I do not know whether that is "real power".  What else can he really do that others cannot-travel?  Tell me just one thing of consequence that Ruto can really do?  "Real Power" does not necessarily go with the position one has.  He may be the Deputy President but he is not neccessarilythe 2nd most powerful person in Kenya. There are countries where the president is not necessarily the most powerful person.  Ati "real power",  he cannot even tame Isaac Ruto!

Ouru cannot make Ruto president even if he wanted to. Once he is out of office his power is also gone. Just because you predicted Ouru's presidency in 2016 does not make you a political genius. 

Uhuru is the guy to make Ruto pork and in the meantime he enjoys real power so I don't know what crisis is this.Rails and Kalonzo didn't have the leverage of 1m acres occupied by 1m kikuyus in riftvalley.And by 2022 mt Kenya totally votes will be Ruto is working hard to win over other tribes.Even if all my Kenya votes for Kenneth they would still be maybe third...with Ruto going second.Ruto has best shot going 2022.
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Offline RV Pundit

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There is no wall of security that can protect kikuyus in rv from their neighbours- Uhuru should try to protect marakwet from pokots now - the only protection is the goodwill and legitimacy. Kibaki had all security agencies and yet he was hapless - the terrain is so large and the kalenjin warriors so adept at it. The only preparation is to stay in towns next to police stations...leaving your hse and cattles to be burn and stolen.

Post 2017 election - any attempt to slice ruto will be declaration of war - and it won't be pretty - Kikuyu leadership will need to think through this.

Kalenjin would be stupid not to back Uhuru in 2017 but Kikuyus would even be sillier not to back Ruto. They'll both lose to Raila candidate and they will re-opened all wounds that will take generations to heal.

This 20 yr deal is all you need to heal RV...and hopefully by 2032...kenya will be an urbanized higher middle income country..and question of land will be over.

This time they will be well prepared,unlike 2007 when you ambushed them.Uhuru will also deploy strong contigent of security personell.

Offline RV Pundit

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Ruto has more power than Raila ever had. There is no point arguing a rather obvious thing. Rutoh is leading a coalition gov with 50% share - he get to decide a whole lot of stuff on a daily basis. Real power doesn't mean total power like baba Moi.

Well Uhuru has lots of power going to 2022...he can even ask Ruto to act for months as pork...especially toward 2022. Not only does uhuru have state power but he is also the undisputed leader of GEMA people.

Ruto only has power to steal and I do not know whether that is "real power".  What else can he really do that others cannot-travel?  Tell me just one thing of consequence that Ruto can really do?  "Real Power" does not necessarily go with the position one has.  He may be the Deputy President but he is not neccessarilythe 2nd most powerful person in Kenya. There are countries where the president is not necessarily the most powerful person.  Ati "real power",  he cannot even tame Isaac Ruto!

Ouru cannot make Ruto president even if he wanted to. Once he is out of office his power is also gone. Just because you predicted Ouru's presidency in 2016 does not make you a political genius. 

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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There is no wall of security that can protect kikuyus in rv from their neighbours- Uhuru should try to protect marakwet from pokots now - the only protection is the goodwill and legitimacy. Kibaki had all security agency and yet he was hapless - the terrain is so large and the kalenjin warriors so adept at it. The only preparation is to stay in towns next to police stations...leaving your hse and cattles to be burn and stolen.

Post 2017 election - any attempt to slice ruto will be declaration of war - and it won't be pretty - Kikuyu leadership will need to think through this.

Kalenjin would be stupid not to back Uhuru in 2017 but Kikuyus would even be sillier not to back Ruto. They'll both lose to Raila candidate and they will re-opened all wounds that will take generations to heal.

This 20 yr deal is all you need to heal RV...and hopefully by 2032...kenya will be an urbanized higher middle income country..and question of land will be over.

This time they will be well prepared,unlike 2007 when you ambushed them.Uhuru will also deploy strong contigent of security personell.

So you think if Ruto does not become President it's civil war?  Hilarious.
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Offline RV Pundit

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No, I think it hilarious you think that; There will be civil war if ruto is rigged; just like luos are likely to throw stones in kisumu and kibera; there will be civil war btw kalenjin and kikuyu if Kikuyu do not stick to the deal. Those are ugly facts. I don't like it...but I know it will happen. This will be 92 and 07 again. In 1992 Kalenjin beef as i know was that kikuyus/luos/luhyas had not allowed moi to rule forever like kenyatta had done and yet they occupied their ancestral land- so they had to get them out of their ancestral land. 07 was that Kibaki had rigged himself in after Moi had peacefully conceded in 02 - so they had to kick them out.

If ruto loses in free and fair election with fully backing of GEMa - the peace in rv will prevail.

GEMA leadership understand the dynamics and consequences of reneging on UhuRuto deal..and therefore they should handle this with all the caution. The land pressure as kalenjin sire kids without changing their lifestyle is going to make this worse than 07 - there will be many "warriors" - idling around looking to loot.

So you think if Ruto does not become President it's civil war?  Hilarious.

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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No, I think it hilarious you think that; There will be civil war if ruto is rigged; just like luos are likely to throw stones in kisumu and kibera; there will be civil war btw kalenjin and kikuyu if Kikuyu do not stick to the deal. Those are ugly facts. I don't like it...but I know it will happen. This will be 92 and 07 again. In 1992 Kalenjin beef as i know was that kikuyus/luos/luhyas had not allowed moi to rule forever like kenyatta had done and yet they occupied their ancestral land- so they had to get them out of their ancestral land. 07 was that Kibaki had rigged himself in after Moi had peacefully conceded in 02 - so they had to kick them out.

If ruto loses in free and fair election with fully backing of GEMa - the peace in rv will prevail.

GEMA leadership understand the dynamics and consequences of reneging on UhuRuto deal..and therefore they should handle this with all the caution. The land pressure as kalenjin sire kids without changing their lifestyle is going to make this worse than 07 - there will be many "warriors" - idling around looking to loot.

So you think if Ruto does not become President it's civil war?  Hilarious.

The more the reason to put them to work in factories.  But that is beneath them, no?
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Offline RV Pundit

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If it made economic sense to set up factories - of course. Right now it doesn't. We have to hope that by 2032 - most of them will be working on factories. Right now you cannot compete on manufacturing unless you're able to hire slavish labour at 20 usd per month..only ethiopia and china can do that now...US of A is ever complaining about lost jobs...leave alone kenya.
The more the reason to put them to work in factories.  But that is beneath them, no?

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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If it made economic sense to set up factories - of course. Right now it doesn't. We have to hope that by 2032 - most of them will be working on factories. Right now you cannot compete on manufacturing unless you're able to hire slavish labour at 20 usd per month..only ethiopia and china can do that now...US of A is ever complaining about lost jobs...leave alone kenya.
The more the reason to put them to work in factories.  But that is beneath them, no?

A guy who is making nothing and willing to wait five years to loot sufurias, and will not take a slavish wage?
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline RV Pundit

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He is not waiting to loot - an opportunity to loot arise - and he loots. You see that a lot in accident scene in kenya.
A guy who is making nothing and willing to wait five years to loot sufurias, and will not take a slavish wage?