Author Topic: What does machine learning mean to you?  (Read 9992 times)

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Re: What does machine learning mean to you?
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2016, 12:14:50 PM »
sawa, you're quite persistent. date nights would be such a BORE .. i like opera, the arts, pleasant stuff, not lectures about what people think and in the process expose themselves for just a lucky break fuzz- also commit research sins like that shitty machine learning talk. What were the organizers thinking? Most people are so opinionated chatty  so full of blindspots even a sloth has more to say about the universe with its silent slothful look. Hang on ... I need a bowl full of mung beans to get through this.

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Re: What does machine learning mean to you?
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2016, 01:07:03 PM »
Ok I watched it. Terrible.

I don't know who this guy is, but my impression is and I'll judge him because what he preached is another sordid false propheteering. These empty knowledge types seem to be dominating the world's mouth piece of late as scare monger tactics due to the fact they can't reconcile their lack of foresight. This guy needs an awakening.

He obviously has never experienced poverty (given the cheap shot pic of a starving child), never coded, never worked in a factory etc. etc. I can tell just by his demeanor. Typical entitled small minded white guy with a bucketload of insecurities.

Problems with his proposal in the real world:

The power grid hasn't changed much the last few decades and the grid itself isn't built to sustain complex code. The whole of Earth would have to be rebuilt like the Death Star to get to the level of intelligence he thinks AI can achieve.

1. At present even hooking up a simple telephone exchange like a PBXchange I'm licenced to do, businesses prefer a mix of old school 50s to secure these lines. In some sense businesses are reverting back to the 50s style power grid in an effort to secure quality despite all the cloud hype and IoT. It's more of the start up, contemporary contracts that fly buzz- relying on mobile, cloud and VoiP etc.

2. Geopolitical policies are implemented 30 years in advance. The threat of a nuclear attack isn't possible because of nuclear deterrence gridlocks. Even if the president of the USA was psychotic enough to launch nuclear missiles, he can't. There's a council that makes those decisions and those buttons are fake. Even if he managed to bypass this, other nations have established strategic counterstrike positions eg submarines etc. and even private firms to obliterate nuclear strikes in the ocean. These bodies didn't happen overnight, it's a culminated global strategy to end full blown wars so to minimize resource depletions. Instead, nations have resorted to small wars to do resource bidding in poor countries eg. terrorist attacks.

3. I'm assuming this guy hasn't studied philosophy because one of the first thing a philosophy student is indoctrinated with is Socrate's meme. Intelligence is a burden. The more intelligent, the more depressed, suicidal, and so forth one gets in spite of emotional wellbeing. If these machines gets "super" intelligent, they will self destruct.

4. More than 99% of the globe don't live like the 1%. More than 70% of the world don't have access to power. More than 50% don't have access to clean water. What he describes the future is like, is a reality today.

5. Games are games. Software isn't how the world works. The use of software is used only among the 1% of the population. Even among the 1%, more than 50% can't even type. Most institutions in Kenya like 90%+ still just use paper.

This guy is a piece of shit wanker, honestly, the worse talk I've seen. He should do some research on statistics, and get life experience away from Yankee suburbia. I felt like I was listening to a teen in delusional confusion that the World of Warcraft is real in bewildered conviction just because he got caught touching himself. My advise to this guy, is to hook himself up with milf or plse do come out of the closet and learn more about the real world.

What are actual serious threats?

1. Weaponizing devices with AI capability. So intelligent bombs used by terrorists that don't fit that typical Allah Akba profile.

2. Biowarfare and nationwide medical experiments so that the few in the 1% can achieve their psychotic dreams of immortality.

3. Climate change, cloud seeding, insurance companies taking advantage of intelligent weather patterns to serve economic agendas.

You should go on TED Empy and set the record straight.