Author Topic: how do you plot a matrix graph using ggplot? i've never done this  (Read 1684 times)

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  • Enigma
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i've tried on excel with a surface graph but it looks off. .

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  • Enigma
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Re: how do you plot a matrix graph using ggplot? i've never done this
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2015, 06:22:34 PM »
I take that back. I was just going through my university notes tonight and found a whole folder on ggplots. It seems many years ago I learnt how to code ggplot for an algebra course. i even did quizzes and assignments on coding with ggplot. I can't even recognize my own coding. It seems I used to code all sorts of matrices, regression analyses etc. wow. I can't remember any of it.