Right. Vooke is mistaken in his view of what merit is. Diversity is a merit. It should be awarded some points. For instance if Turkana candidate scores B and Kikuyu candidate score A on "technical" qualification...the turkana might pip him if we award an extra two points for being a turkana...and maybe an extra two for being a turkana woman.
Is there a difference between qualifications and merit?
In non-specialist jobs, which most of these public appointments are, tribe should be a major factor. The wealth needs to be spread around.
He now says it's boring if he does not say what that has got to do with the subject matter.
I believe/hope that by the time these people are shortlisted for the interview, they are qualified. In other words,
all shortlisted candidates are qualified for the job.
At that point, the decision on who to pick is cosmetic. An opportunity where great leaders use to push for something good.
He could use criteria like you mention to nominate someone from a marginalized group.
Though without seeing the shortlist, it may just be pointless if people from other groups stopped even bothering to apply.