Technically it's easy-peasy to shutdown. Legally not so easy, Ruto will have to pass a new law, which will be contested all the way to SCORK.
On my part I support responsibility for content be shared between the user and the platform. The way X is being held to the fire in Brazil, Aussie and EU should apply in Kenya or Africa.
The question of what content is abusive and therefore illegal must be debated very carefully to guard against abuse by GenZ and GoK. The latter has a mile-long history of abusing freedom of expression and protest. Just a few years ago in Jubilee 1.0 they attempted to muzzle journalists and offensive clauses in the media law were struck out by the courts.
For instance posting Ruto in a caskette is a personal libel he should go to court and sue his detractors there. His massive presidential ego is not a national interest. Biden and Netanyahu are caricatured as vampires all the time and noone loses sleep. Incitement to violence on the other hand is a serious offence that should result in hefty fines and/or imprisonment.
What X and social media companies must be forced to do is VERIFY all users on the platforms. Like CA did to telco simcards to tame Al Shabaab despite their resistance. If someone libels you X or TikTok cannot claim not to know the account owner otherwise they should be fined heavily.