Author Topic: How Would You Tackle Corruption in Kenya if you were Ruto?  (Read 2733 times)

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: How Would You Tackle Corruption in Kenya if you were Ruto?
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2024, 03:23:44 PM »
Stop electing known thieves, it’s not rocket science. The punishment should fit the crime, establish a corruption court totally independent and most likely with non Kenyan judges, international known audit firms to do lifestyle audits, any money that’s not accounted should be returned to the state, stop all public figures from running businesses with conflicts of interest with their legislative jobs or doctors running pharmacy etc cops or their proxies should not run any business like bars or matatus etc all procurements should be made public and no tenders for politicians and their proxies. All counties should publish their incomes and expenditures and development should come directly from the people not from leaders. There should be town hall meetings to vet all expenditures etc all employees should be vetted, their qualifications and productivity, it’s a whole overhaul of our system and thinking.strengthen all institutions but first overhaul them, the judiciary in Kenya is very corrupt and one of the biggest saboteurs of the war on corruption.
Those are sound ideas, but will not save Kenya from what the parliament and Uhuru and Raila nusu mkate GOVT did between 2017-2022. It will take Kenya atleast a decade to just unwind the damage. 11 trillion credit card debt with 15% interest rate will take miracle to satisfy
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline gout

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Re: How Would You Tackle Corruption in Kenya if you were Ruto?
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2024, 05:54:10 PM »
Government officials with power to ruin your life and guns have turned their offices into terrorists dens and then drive the narrative we are all corrupt sijui zote ni wezi.

Excluded youths with no chance of tokenism can see through this and have gone a step ahead and are confronting the shitty nonsense.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline gout

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Re: How Would You Tackle Corruption in Kenya if you were Ruto?
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2024, 05:54:57 PM »
Trump and Biden are corrupt to the core but the DoJ works or is seen to work.

Stop electing known thieves, it’s not rocket science. The punishment should fit the crime, establish a corruption court totally independent and most likely with non Kenyan judges, international known audit firms to do lifestyle audits, any money that’s not accounted should be returned to the state, stop all public figures from running businesses with conflicts of interest with their legislative jobs or doctors running pharmacy etc cops or their proxies should not run any business like bars or matatus etc all procurements should be made public and no tenders for politicians and their proxies. All counties should publish their incomes and expenditures and development should come directly from the people not from leaders. There should be town hall meetings to vet all expenditures etc all employees should be vetted, their qualifications and productivity, it’s a whole overhaul of our system and thinking.strengthen all institutions but first overhaul them, the judiciary in Kenya is very corrupt and one of the biggest saboteurs of the war on corruption.
Those are sound ideas, but will not save Kenya from what the parliament and Uhuru and Raila nusu mkate GOVT did between 2017-2022. It will take Kenya atleast a decade to just unwind the damage. 11 trillion credit card debt with 15% interest rate will take miracle to satisfy
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: How Would You Tackle Corruption in Kenya if you were Ruto?
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2024, 09:56:36 AM »
Please do not forget the elephant in the room, land. Land as a source of captital is the biggest embers to the fire of corruption in Kenya. We have to have new taxation and zoning laws in Kenya, how hard is it to map the whole country and zone it? All land and it’s owners should be identified, buying land has to be a very easy process like most countries, it’s a rightful owner seller agreement, the govt may tax the process but this should only take a few days. In Kenya, it’s the Wild West, everyone is selling land that they do not own, hampering investments. I can tell you for free that most diasporans are cash heavy, hoarding millions, the remittances are peanuts. People are too afraid to invest their hard earned money in a corrupt broken system. Most of us have CDS accounts, always afraid to pull the trigger because of the instability and theft. If Kenya was theft free, there will be so much money lent to the government by Kenyans that they won’t need to borrow loans, at 15% for most bonds in Kenya, that’s almost the best you can get anywhere. Start thinking, source for ideas, there are no problems big enough without solutions.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: How Would You Tackle Corruption in Kenya if you were Ruto?
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2024, 11:28:48 AM »
Oppose Tax Bill. Dont ever asked Ruto for development. Be an opposition MP.
The government doesn't elect leaders. The people do.The disquiet is  the reason why Riggy G summoned them-leaders- to his Karen residence. Wait and see. Malala-UDA SEC Gen..admitted publickly the other day that the taxes are not manageable.

Corruption n dishonesty n crime all go away when country develop. Poverty is the enemy that make your own bro con you. Poverty had no dignity. So focus on growing the economy somehow n these things disappears. Country where there is real risk if dying from hunger can't eliminate graft unless military like kagame or mzungu who use cane africans
So when was this Damascus moment? When did this Economics 101 finally hit your cranium? You have supported Luto government taxing Kenyans into poverty, hopelessness, early death if not becoming suicidal and then arrogantly posting here eti people to "be opposition MPs". Mbona huna hio kiburi sasa? You need to shut up and listen to the agemates of your children fix this country. Shindwe! Kumbaff.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: How Would You Tackle Corruption in Kenya if you were Ruto?
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2024, 02:00:23 PM »
Stop electing known thieves, it’s not rocket science. The punishment should fit the crime, establish a corruption court totally independent and most likely with non Kenyan judges, international known audit firms to do lifestyle audits, any money that’s not accounted should be returned to the state, stop all public figures from running businesses with conflicts of interest with their legislative jobs or doctors running pharmacy etc cops or their proxies should not run any business like bars or matatus etc all procurements should be made public and no tenders for politicians and their proxies. All counties should publish their incomes and expenditures and development should come directly from the people not from leaders. There should be town hall meetings to vet all expenditures etc all employees should be vetted, their qualifications and productivity, it’s a whole overhaul of our system and thinking.strengthen all institutions but first overhaul them, the judiciary in Kenya is very corrupt and one of the biggest saboteurs of the war on corruption.

There is so much irrational exuberance at the wealthy level that needs to be taxed so as to pay for schools. Nobody needs a 900,000 belt, but everyone needs bread.
Judiciary in Kenya takes 5yrs to rule on anything.
Public participation must be mandated.
We have everything in the books, just needs implementation