Author Topic: Wash wash senator  (Read 4627 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2023, 06:15:50 PM »
I have many acres of Land to sell 15-25 years from now to enjoy my retirement. My dad acquired land and is largely intact 60 years later in deep in the village. I see it goes 3M per acre now, but I suspect 15 year it will be going for 15M+ to meet the EA exploding population!
Selling ancestral land is will lose all that money

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2023, 06:22:48 PM »
Yes land is going to be expensive unless we irrigate northern Kenya

Or we export people to the Congo Forest.

We need to move population around to less densely populated areas but this has to be properly negotiated go prevent conflict.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2023, 06:25:33 PM »
Mostly Nandis. This was from legacy of Nandi resistances. They are likely generations of Nandi malayas after community was turn destitute by heavy fines.

There were kalenjin Malayas in south coast. They were skinny with very tall legs. They would praid their hair with these long braids. We called them farasi..which is today stallions..very beautiful. Germans paid to dollars for them.

That is the worst thing about being conquered .the aftermath is hard to deal with. KIKUYUS are still reeling from mzungu occupation. The social, economic fabric was shredded. Many were driven to poverty and are yet to recover.
I think communities should fight to death and not submit to any type of occupation. Fight because death is a better outcome than losing

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2023, 07:33:36 PM »
Mostly Nandis. This was from legacy of Nandi resistances. They are likely generations of Nandi malayas after community was turn destitute by heavy fines.

There were kalenjin Malayas in south coast. They were skinny with very tall legs. They would praid their hair with these long braids. We called them farasi..which is today stallions..very beautiful. Germans paid to dollars for them.

That is the worst thing about being conquered .the aftermath is hard to deal with. KIKUYUS are still reeling from mzungu occupation. The social, economic fabric was shredded. Many were driven to poverty and are yet to recover.
I think communities should fight to death and not submit to any type of occupation. Fight because death is a better outcome than losing
Most Nandi that fought or stole from Wazungu in Uasin Gishu, according to my late dad, all died young. His mission was don't start some shit and they won't be some shit. He lived to 90 after sending milk to wazungu factories peacefully for like 15 years, and based on that, he inherited large share of land when wazungus left based on milk shares in 1960s. Wazungu came pushed the loacals, occupied the land and when they were leaving, sold the land to the children of the same locals they pushed using all means. To think about it, when the force is overwhelming, better dodge and live to fight another day than fight and die.
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2023, 07:44:12 AM »
Entire East Africa is going to be in serious population pressure 50yrs...combined population including ET and Congo will be 1.5B huko.
Yes unfortunately I see all wetlands getting cleared as people try to get as much land. Land now in shags is going for 200-250 a point - acre is 2-3 million in middle of nowhere. It incredible. It almost as expensive as Nairobi Metro areas.

Lol your  brother is trying to fight nature. Kitawaramba. Messing with wetlands guarantees instant collapse of fhe ecosystem. My mum cleared a wetland to farm during 1984 drought. I tried to warn her. I was a kid in lower primary. I had studied about water table. I told her what she was doing was irreversible damage to the water table..that is the little science I knew. But within a decade the stream and its surrounding ecosystems collapsed. She reminded me about this conversation decades later.
Wow is superexpensive. In my hood an acre is going for 6 million

Do you have a source for these projections? What will be thr projection without Ethiopia

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2023, 07:48:19 AM »
Mostly Nandis. This was from legacy of Nandi resistances. They are likely generations of Nandi malayas after community was turn destitute by heavy fines.

There were kalenjin Malayas in south coast. They were skinny with very tall legs. They would praid their hair with these long braids. We called them farasi..which is today stallions..very beautiful. Germans paid to dollars for them.

That is the worst thing about being conquered .the aftermath is hard to deal with. KIKUYUS are still reeling from mzungu occupation. The social, economic fabric was shredded. Many were driven to poverty and are yet to recover.
I think communities should fight to death and not submit to any type of occupation. Fight because death is a better outcome than losing
Most Nandi that fought or stole from Wazungu in Uasin Gishu, according to my late dad, all died young. His mission was don't start some shit and they won't be some shit. He lived to 90 after sending milk to wazungu factories peacefully for like 15 years, and based on that, he inherited large share of land when wazungus left based on milk shares in 1960s. Wazungu came pushed the loacals, occupied the land and when they were leaving, sold the land to the children of the same locals they pushed using all means. To think about it, when the force is overwhelming, better dodge and live to fight another day than fight and die.

On self interest it makes sense to self preserve. It is such a shortsighted gamble. If you are not among the top 5% in your community at the time of conquest you most likely be driven to penury and be a slave to the new order. Fighting is the most logical thing for themajority
So you come from a lineage of collaborators? Your family were loyalists to hilt.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2024, 12:35:45 AM »
Almost a year go , was point on…

Guys you are turning this thread into a Kalenjin bashing venture .
A reflection of the Current Kenyan Psyche .
The Societal fabric of Kalenjins is all rooted to the Nyayo era .
A connection here and there meant getting a job and land in corrupt and unethical means.
After Moi got out of power it was a wake up call , Most of the Moists like Pundit thought using Raila was the key or returning to Moi error .
Bet zao zikaungua in 2007 after Raila was beaten fair and square by Kibaki .
Now that Ruto is back in power they think its the second coming of Moi era . How mistaken are they .
When obejctive people like us say Ruto has mismanaged the economy and it might affect his 2027 re-election they call us names . Oh well lets wait and see . If Ruto doesnt change tact in his economy policy he goes to opposition direct this is a FACT .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Wash wash senator
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2024, 09:04:42 AM »
How is this even relevant?
The people who made finance bill are kikuyus.
Kalenjin were in forefront in this GEZ utotos.

You're desperate and hurt because RAILA AND RUTO made a deal

Hii Ingine tu ni LAME EXCUSE - you and RIGGY - are afraid of Raila making a deal with Ruto making your IRRELEVANT.

Almost a year go , was point on…