Some business naturally attract gok and police - alcohol, matatus and such - and now add KRA and all the bastards.
We have a serious drug problem esp in central and rift valley -
What I have seen in my areas - with every clampdown - things are getting better
Only the tough keep drinking - majority just drop - the habit - and quickly rehabilitate.
I would restrict clampdown to rural areas where people just live off their parents or wives - have so much idle time.
Urban areas - you cannot afford to be drunk and useless - you work for money. So Zone off large urban areas - allow as many bars as people want.
This is drastic martial bullshit. I can imagine after investing in Quiver Kenol and you have to worry about a license. Just adds another layer of corruption.
Running a business with some employees in this shithole is one of the hardest jobs in this earth because of county and national govt parasites who now want to close the few struggling business.
KEBS, KRA, government chemist, police and counties have primary responsibility to curb illicit liqour. They fail and punish bar owners. Madness with lazy government employees and politicians.
We need a stable business operating environment. Next Sakaja can wake up and cancel Super Metro license because of pollution and wants electric buses.