Author Topic: Mr Ruto,You should import labour not export slaves.  (Read 1298 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Mr Ruto,You should import labour not export slaves.
« on: October 31, 2023, 04:05:06 PM »
The biggest percentage of kenyans in places lile middle east and europe are basically slaves.They work as maids,farm worker (shamba boy),security guard, (watchmen) ,cargegivers (kuosha watu wazee mavi),grave diggers,mjengo workers in arab summer heat,they go through alot and there is no difference between kenyan labour export programs and SLAVE TRADE.In ME,They are even given restrictions that they can't marry or have sex,its basically castration.

Back to main point,MR RUTO,Why cant you make kenya a good country similar to Germany or CAnada where you want to export kenyans?Kenyans are not looking for opportunities abroad,they ate running away from poor governance which results to poverty,infact they are very desperate to even go to slave master societies like arab world.

A president should be proud of importing labour not exporting slaves.What a shame.

Ask yourself,Why are americans,germans,arabs not looking for labour in kenya while we are doing the opposite?