Author Topic: i daid it in 2018 Uhuru Blundered Im saying it Here Ruto could be on his way out  (Read 1854 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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if he doesnt change course he is done just like Uhuru .
He is losing the GEMA support at a rather faster rate.
This is another dissapoitment for GEMA . Uhuru was the 2nd after Moi Ruto is the third . A big lesson for GEMA .

Offline lelewela

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Ruto is smart when it comes to politics, he has Gema by the balls.
They can bolt out even tomorrow, he does not care, but for the sake of politics  he wont start the fight. No Gemas leader has the balls to fight him now.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Offline patel

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Once Ruto crash kenyatta criminal enterprise and Mois he can make himself president for life and Kenyans will be happy.

Offline RV Pundit

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Huyu Fala think kikuyus own kenya. Ubwa.Moi won twice with zero kikuyus votes.Ngoja ufundishwe siasa ubwa

Offline Nowayhaha

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No i dont think they own Kenya . I think they have a significant political clout which can determine outcome of the election as it did in 2022 elections .
Moi lost to Matiba in 1992 and Kibaki in 1997 . He rigged even using violence as a component of the rigging . He knew the political might of GEMA and that is why he went with Uhuru in 2002. Having said that we are in a new dispensation where you need 50 +1 of the votes . Ruto can never hack that without GEMA .

If it wasnt for GEMA Ruto would have lost in 2022 with a very big margin. This Kalenjin attitude you portray  here is what is messing Rutos chances .
If GEMA went against Uhuru their own , what makes you think they cannot go against Ruto if he deviates from his promises ? Ruto needs to reinvent himself and do away with the likes of you who form majority of his advisors.

Rutos support as we speak is the lowest he has ever had . His approach on taxes and cost of living is making him lose alot of support . Wake up to this reality.

Huyu Fala think kikuyus own kenya. Ubwa.Moi won twice with zero kikuyus votes.Ngoja ufundishwe siasa ubwa

Offline RV Pundit

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Gema need Ruto for 2032 return to power..otherwise if you don't vote good numbers...Ruto win n either support kalenjin like Sakaja or change katiba .Nobody can take Ruto man...mjanja kuruka.Sio mchezo.We must pray for Ruto to be merciful on Kenya n go home in 2032..for if he decides otherwise it shall be done.Economy will soon boom...look at maize bumper harvest year Ruto double down on fertlilizers subsidy. I pity fools who bet a brilliant tactician like Ruto.I just pity you.Ruto works hard like no else.It will pay off..right now Ruto is fixing broken economy..taking hard unpopular decisions..2022 you will not remember nothing..Kenya will produce food hunger will history

Offline Nowayhaha

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If Ruto continues the route he is taking he will be suprised to make it in 2027 leave alone 2032.
One thing GEMA is learnt the hardway with Uhuru and now with Ruto . Its the people you support who end up betraying the aspirations .
People are suffering . Once again I repeat the current Macro economics situation in Kenya unless solved will continue making Ruto unpopular .

Gema need Ruto for 2032 return to power..otherwise if you don't vote good numbers...Ruto win n either support kalenjin like Sakaja or change katiba .Nobody can take Ruto man...mjanja kuruka.Sio mchezo.We must pray for Ruto to be merciful on Kenya n go home in 2032..for if he decides otherwise it shall be done.Economy will soon boom...look at maize bumper harvest year Ruto double down on fertlilizers subsidy. I pity fools who bet a brilliant tactician like Ruto.I just pity you.Ruto works hard like no else.It will pay off..right now Ruto is fixing broken economy..taking hard unpopular decisions..2022 you will not remember nothing..Kenya will produce food hunger will history

Offline RV Pundit

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Ruto will work for poor kikuyus n crush kenyatta. Common sense. Not complicated. Kikuyus people want to thrive n live peaceful..not worry about kenyattas..kikuyus don't eat kwake