Friends.UDA through Gachagua and ruto has been heavily bribing Mt kenya pastors with hundreds of millions in exchange for support.These pastors are conmen.The leader of these christian UDA Jihadists is Mark Kariuki who is among the founders of Evangelical Alliance of kenya that controls Kikuyu based GEMA protestant churches.The second group is AIPCA AIPCK which control independent church and passes on the bribe to other presybyterain thugs.These thugs in the name of pastors get the bribe,organize prayer meetings,instead of sermon the podium becomes a political forum.This christo-political jihadism can only be compared to alshabab or pastor mckenzie and ezekiel shakahokla massacre.Infact,This model was used by pastor ezekiel and mckenzie to steal.public money same as kanyari in the promise of heaven.UDA is doing the same by stealing from.kenyans in the promise of class war against dynasties and God fearing leadership.Infact,The illegitimate president ruto and his deputy Gachagua have held close relationships with con pastor ezekiel and mckenzie in the name of prayers together with their spouses.
We call upon kenyans of goodwill to protest against political religious caliphate forcefully imposed on Mt kenya people through class war and religious indoctrination.