Author Topic: My uncle led Mau Mau soldiers that killed Luka Kahangara  (Read 2797 times)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: My uncle led Mau Mau soldiers that killed Luka Kahangara
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2023, 09:26:36 AM »
My uncle who is named after my great grandfather hated kikuyu homeguards with a passion. he would confront them and his favorite thing to say was that they were too greedy and they will finish kikuyu goats due to their greed. As mau mau looked for local mau mau leaders to help them execute one the attack against Luka they settled on my uncle. he was a fierce leader and activist in the community. he gathered intelligence and provide mau mau with a list of all homeguards.
on the night of killings he led the mau mau soldiers and supervised most of the killings. by dawn hundreds of loyalists had been brutally murdered and their homesteads torched.
He was arrested shortly after the lari massarcd and charged with murder. before his cased was ruled he was offered a prebargain. he was asked to denounce mau mau and collaborate with the the British to save his life. he called his mum and told her that he had made the decision to die for the cause. he was hanged in Githunguri and burried in unmarked grave.
Looney tunes in your head. Your uncle if was anything must have been an home guard going by your tendancies here to say the least.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: My uncle led Mau Mau soldiers that killed Luka Kahangara
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2023, 09:37:13 AM »
Mau mau were defeated in 1956..four years after start of insurgency..British army left kenya
Really I thought British Army is based in Nanyuki where they have a huge camp and train in Samburu where they regularly rape lelewas relatives and go scot free.. including setting fires

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: My uncle led Mau Mau soldiers that killed Luka Kahangara
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2023, 09:41:33 AM »
My uncle who is named after my great grandfather hated kikuyu homeguards with a passion. he would confront them and his favorite thing to say was that they were too greedy and they will finish kikuyu goats due to their greed. As mau mau looked for local mau mau leaders to help them execute one the attack against Luka they settled on my uncle. he was a fierce leader and activist in the community. he gathered intelligence and provide mau mau with a list of all homeguards.
on the night of killings he led the mau mau soldiers and supervised most of the killings. by dawn hundreds of loyalists had been brutally murdered and their homesteads torched.
He was arrested shortly after the lari massarcd and charged with murder. before his cased was ruled he was offered a prebargain. he was asked to denounce mau mau and collaborate with the the British to save his life. he called his mum and told her that he had made the decision to die for the cause. he was hanged in Githunguri and burried in unmarked grave.
Looney tunes in your head. Your uncle if was anything must have been an home guard going by your tendancies here to say the least.

I hope Kawira continues to use a master dong on your backside.