I remember going to Dagoretti South in early 2000s - this was initiative supported by UN initially - with one NGO in Waithaka - Feed the Children- and it now appear CDF has made it mainstream.
This kind of reforms we need.
Remove expensive boarding - provide lunch for all kids.
I think Ghana does this.
The only problem with day school in kenya - Kids have to go home for lunch - that is disruptive - both for learner and parent - and some parents dont even have lunch prepared.
If capitation per kid is 15 shs per meal in 200 days per year that comes to 3000shs per kid per annum. There are 10 million kids. That work out to 30B kshs. SMALL change in 3 trillion kshs budget.
And this will tremendously improve education outcomes...while sorting out half nutritional needs of poor kids.