Author Topic: Kenya's hidden Rape Culture: A society that accepts sexual deviants  (Read 921 times)

Offline sema

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I amazed by the number of rapists and sexual deviants that have either been elected or are now currently in government and these are just the one's we know about because they are in the public eye so I can't even imagine the horrors that take place in private. Kenya is a society of hypocrites. Born again "christians" that will sing hallejulah publicly but behave like animals in private:

1) Kimani Wamatangi - accused of raping his house girl and impregnating her and then refusing to pay any child support

2) Julius Sunkuli - Raping 13 year old girls, impregnating them and has been elected again.

3) Okoth Obado - Killed his pregnant girlfriend and unborn child and is still out free

4) Alfred Mutua - Accused by Boniface Mwangi of raping and exploiting many young women and then forcing them to have abortions. Boniface even released a tape of him on twitter where is talking to one of these girls and she is asking him to at least pay for her abortion and he refuses. He is now Kenyas foreign affairs minister. His first wife and kids live in Australia. Lillian left him after 10 years and is now a mother (for 10 years she couldn't get pregnant or did he also force her to have abortions?)

Kenya is a morally depraved society, but nobody wants to talk about this.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Kenya's hidden Rape Culture: A society that accepts sexual deviants
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2022, 09:49:11 PM »
You are heaping blame on Kenyans yet those the Kenyan voters rejected have still found their way back to cabinet. Linturi, Jumwa and the rest: women reps who failed at the ballot box.

The buck stops with the appointing authority. Isaac Ruto reminded us that you can tell a man by the company he keeps.

Offline High Roller

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Re: Kenya's hidden Rape Culture: A society that accepts sexual deviants
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2022, 10:55:35 PM »
Ababu Namwamba is another Don Juan wannabe who cannot keep it in his pants.

Offline sema

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Re: Kenya's hidden Rape Culture: A society that accepts sexual deviants
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2022, 11:09:08 PM »
Ababu Namwamba is another Don Juan wannabe who cannot keep it in his pants.

as long as it's with a consenting adult, then I don't have a problem, but the problem are the rapes and chasing young girls. Mutua is 50 and seems to be chasing teenagers. Sunkuli is a straight up peodophile and if he lived in the US, he'd be in jail for life (there is no known cure for peodophilia -- so that man is very, very, sick) Wamatangi I think also raped a teenager and he is another sicko.  Andrew Kibe had to escape to the US after fooling around with a 17 year old. Kibe is 48. If he does that in the US he'll end up in jail but he is on youtube now talking about how young he likes them (with no care in the world) he is another sicko.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenya's hidden Rape Culture: A society that accepts sexual deviants
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2022, 11:48:24 PM »
Statutory rape - starting to be enforced in kenya