Author Topic: Justice ouko join supreme court  (Read 7330 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Justice ouko join supreme court
« on: May 06, 2021, 05:48:06 AM »
Well deserved promotion

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2021, 10:26:12 AM »
Trying to do some tribal balance without a shame.
Notice out of the Big 5. Kalenjins lack representation in the SC.
Ouko is Very much Pro ODM and based on the last Presidential petition outcome and having not learnt form that event . Rutos team should be careful.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2021, 10:32:21 AM »
We got to trust the system :) - if you have evidence - of his pro-odm - you will ask him to recuse himself. But honestly, the Ouko people know is totally different from the stranger you're talking about.
Trying to do some tribal balance without a shame.
Notice out of the Big 5. Kalenjins lack representation in the SC.
Ouko is Very much Pro ODM and based on the last Presidential petition outcome and having not learnt form that event . Rutos team should be careful.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2021, 11:08:07 AM »
Remember about Mwilu in 2017, we asked her to recuse herself as the "husband" was part of Railas lawyers team. She didnt recuse herself actually the allegations are Orengo/Otiende team wrote her ruling which she was not able to read.
I dont know why you think Ouko is not Pro ODM where as its proven before he has been forwarded before by ODM to committes . Its akin to saying when Kihara was in COA he was not Pro jubilee.
Matter of fact , these positions are political, Odunga is also a good example , Judges are also Kenyans they have affliations. They are related to polticians in many ways and they are as corrupt as they come.
Even this position he got it by virtue of political association inside and outside of Judiciary. You could tell by the questions he was being asked duting the interview.

We got to trust the system :) - if you have evidence - of his pro-odm - you will ask him to recuse himself. But honestly, the Ouko people know is totally different from the stranger you're talking about.
Trying to do some tribal balance without a shame.
Notice out of the Big 5. Kalenjins lack representation in the SC.
Ouko is Very much Pro ODM and based on the last Presidential petition outcome and having not learnt form that event . Rutos team should be careful.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2021, 11:22:26 AM »
Ouko has been in judiciary before ODM was born. Ouko has been court registar since 1980s. He was there during Moi era, Kibaki era, Uhuru era and the next era. He has always delivered sober and high quality judgement. Stop soiling his name for nothing but tribal vendetta.

If there was any dirt - you would have written a petition to JSC - or well to parliament now.

If he was already a president of court of appeal - what more damage can he do as member of supreme court?

This NONSENSE. Samburu judge Lenaola was nominated by KANU to Ghais commission but everyone knows Lenaola is good judge.

This tribal vendetta...I didn't see you raise ruckus about Meru CJ who was summoned by KUHARA in middle of night to delivered an already written rulling.

Remember about Mwilu in 2017, we asked her to recuse herself as the "husband" was part of Railas lawyers team. She didnt recuse herself actually the allegations are Orengo/Otiende team wrote her ruling which she was not able to read.
I dont know why you think Ouko is not Pro ODM where as its proven before he has been forwarded before by ODM to committes . Its akin to saying when Kihara was in COA he was not Pro jubilee.
Matter of fact , these positions are political, Odunga is also a good example , Judges are also Kenyans they have affliations. They are related to polticians in many ways and they are as corrupt as they come.
Even this position he got it by virtue of political association inside and outside of Judiciary. You could tell by the questions he was being asked duting the interview.

We got to trust the system :) - if you have evidence - of his pro-odm - you will ask him to recuse himself. But honestly, the Ouko people know is totally different from the stranger you're talking about.
Trying to do some tribal balance without a shame.
Notice out of the Big 5. Kalenjins lack representation in the SC.
Ouko is Very much Pro ODM and based on the last Presidential petition outcome and having not learnt form that event . Rutos team should be careful.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2021, 11:37:43 AM »

Good you bring Kihara, now please tell me , wasnt it known that Kihara was Pro Jubilee Judge when he was President of COA. I mentioned here he saved UhuRuto and Kenya for that decision.
I also mentioned Koome has cut deals with Uhuru team hence the reason she was nominated as CJ.
JSC and Parliament has been captured by executive , even writing complaints wont work. Many have been written against Mwilu but she sits preety in JSC as DCJ and in SC.
Judiciary medicine is coming with the new regime. One reason you saw why many prominent people in the  Law field never applied for the positions.
Im not being tribal  Im just stating things as they are .

Ouko has been in judiciary before ODM was born. Ouko has been court registar since 1980s. He was there during Moi era, Kibaki era, Uhuru era and the next era. He has always delivered sober and high quality judgement. Stop soiling his name for nothing but tribal vendetta.

If there was any dirt - you would have written a petition to JSC - or well to parliament now.

If he was already a president of court of appeal - what more damage can he do as member of supreme court?

This NONSENSE. Samburu judge Lenaola was nominated by KANU to Ghais commission but everyone knows Lenaola is good judge.

This tribal vendetta...I didn't see you raise ruckus about Meru CJ who was summoned by KUHARA in middle of night to delivered an already written rulling.

Remember about Mwilu in 2017, we asked her to recuse herself as the "husband" was part of Railas lawyers team. She didnt recuse herself actually the allegations are Orengo/Otiende team wrote her ruling which she was not able to read.
I dont know why you think Ouko is not Pro ODM where as its proven before he has been forwarded before by ODM to committes . Its akin to saying when Kihara was in COA he was not Pro jubilee.
Matter of fact , these positions are political, Odunga is also a good example , Judges are also Kenyans they have affliations. They are related to polticians in many ways and they are as corrupt as they come.
Even this position he got it by virtue of political association inside and outside of Judiciary. You could tell by the questions he was being asked duting the interview.

We got to trust the system :) - if you have evidence - of his pro-odm - you will ask him to recuse himself. But honestly, the Ouko people know is totally different from the stranger you're talking about.
Trying to do some tribal balance without a shame.
Notice out of the Big 5. Kalenjins lack representation in the SC.
Ouko is Very much Pro ODM and based on the last Presidential petition outcome and having not learnt form that event . Rutos team should be careful.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2021, 11:41:57 AM »
So you want a Pro-Jubilee - Ruto Uhuru judiciary. No we want a judiciary that is fair. What is worse that they can do. Annual election? How did that help Raila in 2017? Kura ni ile ile.

Please stop this nonsense. Ouko is man of high integrity.

Good you bring Kihara, now please tell me , wasnt it known that Kihara was Pro Jubilee Judge when he was President of COA. I mentioned here he saved UhuRuto and Kenya for that decision.
I also mentioned Koome has cut deals with Uhuru team hence the reason she was nominated as CJ.
JSC and Parliament has been captured by executive , even writing complaints wont work. Many have been written against Mwilu but she sits preety in JSC as DCJ and in SC.
Judiciary medicine is coming with the new regime. One reason you saw why many prominent people in the  Law field never applied for the positions.
Im not being tribal  Im just stating things as they are .

Ouko has been in judiciary before ODM was born. Ouko has been court registar since 1980s. He was there during Moi era, Kibaki era, Uhuru era and the next era. He has always delivered sober and high quality judgement. Stop soiling his name for nothing but tribal vendetta.

If there was any dirt - you would have written a petition to JSC - or well to parliament now.

If he was already a president of court of appeal - what more damage can he do as member of supreme court?

This NONSENSE. Samburu judge Lenaola was nominated by KANU to Ghais commission but everyone knows Lenaola is good judge.

This tribal vendetta...I didn't see you raise ruckus about Meru CJ who was summoned by KUHARA in middle of night to delivered an already written rulling.

Remember about Mwilu in 2017, we asked her to recuse herself as the "husband" was part of Railas lawyers team. She didnt recuse herself actually the allegations are Orengo/Otiende team wrote her ruling which she was not able to read.
I dont know why you think Ouko is not Pro ODM where as its proven before he has been forwarded before by ODM to committes . Its akin to saying when Kihara was in COA he was not Pro jubilee.
Matter of fact , these positions are political, Odunga is also a good example , Judges are also Kenyans they have affliations. They are related to polticians in many ways and they are as corrupt as they come.
Even this position he got it by virtue of political association inside and outside of Judiciary. You could tell by the questions he was being asked duting the interview.

We got to trust the system :) - if you have evidence - of his pro-odm - you will ask him to recuse himself. But honestly, the Ouko people know is totally different from the stranger you're talking about.
Trying to do some tribal balance without a shame.
Notice out of the Big 5. Kalenjins lack representation in the SC.
Ouko is Very much Pro ODM and based on the last Presidential petition outcome and having not learnt form that event . Rutos team should be careful.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2021, 12:06:07 PM »

All Im saying are the happenings and machinations in Judiciary.
2017 if it wasnt for Kihara and Ruto , ODM through Judiciary had almost managed to squeeze in a Nusu Mkate and in so doing Kenya was going to the Dogs.

So you want a Pro-Jubilee - Ruto Uhuru judiciary. No we want a judiciary that is fair. What is worse that they can do. Annual election? How did that help Raila in 2017? Kura ni ile ile.

Please stop this nonsense. Ouko is man of high integrity.

Good you bring Kihara, now please tell me , wasnt it known that Kihara was Pro Jubilee Judge when he was President of COA. I mentioned here he saved UhuRuto and Kenya for that decision.
I also mentioned Koome has cut deals with Uhuru team hence the reason she was nominated as CJ.
JSC and Parliament has been captured by executive , even writing complaints wont work. Many have been written against Mwilu but she sits preety in JSC as DCJ and in SC.
Judiciary medicine is coming with the new regime. One reason you saw why many prominent people in the  Law field never applied for the positions.
Im not being tribal  Im just stating things as they are .

Ouko has been in judiciary before ODM was born. Ouko has been court registar since 1980s. He was there during Moi era, Kibaki era, Uhuru era and the next era. He has always delivered sober and high quality judgement. Stop soiling his name for nothing but tribal vendetta.

If there was any dirt - you would have written a petition to JSC - or well to parliament now.

If he was already a president of court of appeal - what more damage can he do as member of supreme court?

This NONSENSE. Samburu judge Lenaola was nominated by KANU to Ghais commission but everyone knows Lenaola is good judge.

This tribal vendetta...I didn't see you raise ruckus about Meru CJ who was summoned by KUHARA in middle of night to delivered an already written rulling.

Remember about Mwilu in 2017, we asked her to recuse herself as the "husband" was part of Railas lawyers team. She didnt recuse herself actually the allegations are Orengo/Otiende team wrote her ruling which she was not able to read.
I dont know why you think Ouko is not Pro ODM where as its proven before he has been forwarded before by ODM to committes . Its akin to saying when Kihara was in COA he was not Pro jubilee.
Matter of fact , these positions are political, Odunga is also a good example , Judges are also Kenyans they have affliations. They are related to polticians in many ways and they are as corrupt as they come.
Even this position he got it by virtue of political association inside and outside of Judiciary. You could tell by the questions he was being asked duting the interview.

We got to trust the system :) - if you have evidence - of his pro-odm - you will ask him to recuse himself. But honestly, the Ouko people know is totally different from the stranger you're talking about.
Trying to do some tribal balance without a shame.
Notice out of the Big 5. Kalenjins lack representation in the SC.
Ouko is Very much Pro ODM and based on the last Presidential petition outcome and having not learnt form that event . Rutos team should be careful.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2022, 10:25:32 PM »
RV had a change of heart. Warned him immiediately .....

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Justice ouko join supreme court
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2022, 10:31:04 PM »
I am 50-50 - I was disappointed by their BBI ruling but of course they had no option except bury it. Ouko and CJ have golden opportunity to show their mettle in two weeks time.
RV had a change of heart. Warned him immiediately .....