Tues 9th August 2022, Election Day
WATCHING—3 people have died and 13 patients affected by a new unknown illness in Tanzania with nosebleed hemorrhagic fever symptoms akin to Ebola and Marburg—but lab tests have ruled out each of these viruses. If this is a new virus—then it is worrisome.👀https://t.co/zzEclnaSQu pic.twitter.com/X0Z27uhDxS— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) July 14, 2022
WATCHING—3 people have died and 13 patients affected by a new unknown illness in Tanzania with nosebleed hemorrhagic fever symptoms akin to Ebola and Marburg—but lab tests have ruled out each of these viruses. If this is a new virus—then it is worrisome.👀https://t.co/zzEclnaSQu pic.twitter.com/X0Z27uhDxS
The number of outbreaks of diseases that jumped from animals to humans in Africa has rose by more than 60% in the last decade, @WHO said, a worrying sign the planet could face increased animal-borne diseases like monkeypox, Ebola and coronavirus. https://t.co/dA0mfgXeXU— The Associated Press (@AP) July 14, 2022
The number of outbreaks of diseases that jumped from animals to humans in Africa has rose by more than 60% in the last decade, @WHO said, a worrying sign the planet could face increased animal-borne diseases like monkeypox, Ebola and coronavirus. https://t.co/dA0mfgXeXU