My official stand - they are all "thieves" - fight thieves whenever possible with evidence. Ruto if he is violating the law - I would be first to call him out.
Lazy people look for shortcuts. Uhuru and Raila are very lazy and disorganized. Ruto is extremely organized, hardworking and diligent in his work.
And because he is organized and efficient. If he wanted this land of Kenyatta university - he would have followed the law - he would have started last year - made sure he crossed all the T & Is - if he wants BBI - he would have crossed all the Ts and Is.
Say anything about Moi - but MOI ALWAYS followed the law. That is why it was difficult to catch him or his folks. FOLLOW the law. If you dont like it - CHANGE THE LAW.
What we are dealing with here is someone who is drinking Muratina 360 days - and want to get stuff for entire year done in 5 days. For entire university council - led by Luo Prof - and this Wainana to say NO - then it clearly a NO.
This huge mess from Uhuru - and he should not have gone public with tantrums - but ulevi and entitlement - and again panic after realizing he has short time to get Northland city rolling.
The next 3 weeks expect this Mlevi to do alot of crazy stuff as he tries to undo what Ruto has taken 5yrs in 3 weeks - he might start wearing miltiary jungle and try to force project on people.
Kibaki was another lazy old man - but at least he was super intelligent.
Pundit's ethics make sense but the exception on Ruto. His official stand is high performing thieves should be spared.