I went to get a coffee today at my beloved local coffee joint (given I'm finally moving permanently into the office/lab I own) and had a look at my office neighbour across the road... they have this logo at the front of their somewhat large building:
All these years I thought they made music headphones. I used to snicker at some of their employees who looked horny at me, or give me a wink of somesort. Some of those guys are actually cute. I honestly all these years thought they made music headphones and wondered why they wore suits. I realised today, having bothered to google, omg big pharma. I looked up the building next to them. Omg another big pharma. I wrote papers mentioning their names and NEVER in my mind did I put the two and two together. The devils were plonked RIGHT in my backyard.
With this newfound knowledge I could use this to my advantage. I'm weary about actually mingling with them at my local coffee joint though, I noticed they have a high turnover, given the lack of familiar faces as years roll.. I need friends though, since I've finished with uni... I'll have to think about this more.