Author Topic: Who is financing Wajackoya?  (Read 651 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Who is financing Wajackoya?
« on: June 26, 2022, 06:20:38 AM »
1) Getting signatures and paying IEBC fees.I put that at 5MN because of hiring people to collect signatures or buying data from brokers.
2) let's look at his daily expenses.

Vehicles 3 V8s plus fuel 60k a day.
Media team,Public address & supporters 50k a day.
Daily flights to 50k.
Guest house and food for about 20 people 60k per day.
Bloggers and Media airtime 20k per day.
Ive tried to be modest and minimum daily budget for Wajackoya would be between 300k-500k per day.

That's over 10MN a month...I think somebody saw he is gaining traction gave him 100MN...and agreed to fund his campaigns.Otherwise I don't see how Wajackoya can spend his hard earned cash from digging cemeteries in diaspora to cone waste it in campaigns.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Who is financing Wajackoya?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2022, 06:29:26 AM »
He is speaking like ODM/Azimio - talking tribes - luhya bla de bla - his national momentum will evaporate within a week or two.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Who is financing Wajackoya?
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2022, 07:14:51 AM »

I think I read somewhere else where he claimed it's UDA which offered him this much...Maybe Azimio trippl3d the amount.Jackoya is a conman...He was a special branch mentioned in ouko murder and very close to biwott...was in same plane with masinde muliro and biwott.

He must have ran away with millions which made him come back when Moi and biwott influence had fizzled.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Who is financing Wajackoya?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2022, 07:53:10 AM »
He was never in special branch. I doubt he was even a policeman. He is a conman. He lied to British intelligence on Ouko and they took him abroad. They found he was just a pathological liar. They dropped him. He jumped to John Ward the  millionaire father of  Julia ward who had been killed in Maasai Mara. John Ward ended spending 2 million dollars on Wajackoyah and his other con-games.

I think I read somewhere else where he claimed it's UDA which offered him this much...Maybe Azimio trippl3d the amount.Jackoya is a conman...He was a special branch mentioned in ouko murder and very close to biwott...was in same plane with masinde muliro and biwott.

He must have ran away with millions which made him come back when Moi and biwott influence had fizzled.