Author Topic: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.  (Read 1202 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« on: March 27, 2022, 11:35:30 AM »
(1) Two tribes strategy.

Under this strategy, Azimio will sell claim to the other tribes that Kikuyu and Kalenjin have ruled Kenya for 60 years and its time for another tribe which will completely lock out Ruto in Ukambani,Coast,Nyanza and Western.

(2) Division of GEMA vote.

Under this strategy, Ensure 30%-40% of GEMA do not vote for William Ruto and that we have achieved by having the older generation on our side. This shall be done through propaganda, playing victim.

(3) State Machinery:

This will be the most effective strategy and it will be 100% fool proof.

(a) Ensure more voter turnout in Azimio regions through provincial and county administration.
(b) Delayed delivery of voting materials and jammed systems in UDA strongholds.
(c) "Partnership with party agents.
(d) Security on high alert.


Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2022, 11:55:25 AM »
(1) Two tribes strategy.

Under this strategy, Azimio will sell claim to the other tribes that Kikuyu and Kalenjin have ruled Kenya for 60 years and its time for another tribe which will completely lock out Ruto in Ukambani,Coast,Nyanza and Western.

(2) Division of GEMA vote.

Under this strategy, Ensure 30%-40% of GEMA do not vote for William Ruto and that we have achieved by having the older generation on our side. This shall be done through propaganda, playing victim.

(3) State Machinery:

This will be the most effective strategy and it will be 100% fool proof.

(a) Ensure more voter turnout in Azimio regions through provincial and county administration.
(b) Delayed delivery of voting materials and jammed systems in UDA strongholds.
(c) "Partnership with party agents.
(d) Security on high alert.


Have you paused to think point 3 is a recipe for civil war . Its not easy to use State machinery in mt.kenya and RV thats will be met by stiff resistance from residence the way BBI was met and much worse. It would lead to demise of the Kenyatta family as they would become the center of all grievances that's playing with fire that can't be put out.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2022, 12:16:51 PM »
(1) Two tribes strategy.

Under this strategy, Azimio will sell claim to the other tribes that Kikuyu and Kalenjin have ruled Kenya for 60 years and its time for another tribe which will completely lock out Ruto in Ukambani,Coast,Nyanza and Western.

(2) Division of GEMA vote.

Under this strategy, Ensure 30%-40% of GEMA do not vote for William Ruto and that we have achieved by having the older generation on our side. This shall be done through propaganda, playing victim.

(3) State Machinery:

This will be the most effective strategy and it will be 100% fool proof.

(a) Ensure more voter turnout in Azimio regions through provincial and county administration.
(b) Delayed delivery of voting materials and jammed systems in UDA strongholds.
(c) "Partnership with party agents.
(d) Security on high alert.


Have you paused to think point 3 is a recipe for civil war . Its not easy to use State machinery in mt.kenya and RV thats will be met by stiff resistance from residence the way BBI was met and much worse. It would lead to demise of the Kenyatta family as they would become the center of all grievances that's playing with fire that can't be put out.

Who will start CIVIL WAR against who?


(1) I think you are not following what is going on in the country,There is a lot of violence happening in Pokot,Marakwet,Turkana,Samburu,Laikipia, Baringo which are UDA strongholds which means have a 100% fit election is a lie.

(2) In Nandi,Marakwet,UG,Kericho,Nakuru,Some parts of Narok,The purpose of state machinery would only be to ensure delayed ballots and jammed systems.

(3) Violence in Rift Valley is normally Kalenjins against Luhya and kikuyu,The Kalenjin warriors want their votes so the people who least want violence ae Kalenjins.


If you are in the kenyan security department, You very well know North Eastern is ungovernable and looks like a milita zone, Even police officers fear those areas.You saw Uhuru get i think 93% in 2013,Thats abnormal.


Low turnout,
Fraudulent,Party agents ( UDA,Tujibebe and Chama cha Kazi ),Corrupt IEBC and GOK officials who can tamper results,
Delayed ballot and Delayed systems,
Divided GEMA between Ruto and Raila like in 2002 between Uhuru and Kibaki or 1992 between Kibaki and Matiba,

If you critically think about all these issue,You can only come to one SENSIBLE CONCLUSION which i dont have to state.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2022, 12:31:01 PM »
Yes this Azimio strategy. You forget the last one call Ruto thief and tie him with Moi.

However so far Ruto has been effective in countering Azimio strategies and I dont see any miracles that will happen.

1) Two Tribe - that essentially becomes mute - if Raila choose DPORK from GEMA.  If he chooses Kalonzo - it will become effective - it's been tried before and has achieved 45 percent. It only effective now in Gusii, Luhyas and Kambas - the rest dont give a rat arse - because they have no chance in hell of ever becoming PORK given their low numbers.

2) GEMA slicing 30% percent - again this counter-strategy against above. For Raila to get GEMA at 30% - he needs GEMA DPORK - and that means going slow on two kabila thing. That is why Raila has not been keen to use it - it's just whistle online campaign now.

Remember for Raila to win - 30% of GEMA is not enough - because Raila has leaked 30% of the country to Ruto principally in Luhya and other places - any gains Raila makes on Jubilee zones - is cancelled by Ruto gains outside the 2017 Jubilee zones.

Ruto is by default 10% more popular than Uhuru in Non-GEMA because he is not a kikuyu - has well resonating message - and campaigns like life defend on it - going to places no presidential candidate has ever gone.

3) State machinery - Prov Administration/NIS/Rigging - this more lethal tool Uhuru has - but Ruto has very serious counter-intelligences (a parrallel NIS) - has ground game in almost every region except Luo Nyanza therefore it easy to reveal those plans and scatter them  - and unless Uhuru was to cut off all communication (make rigging so brazen) - Ruto has chirchir and team who understand our election systems - and have devised anti-rigging mechanism that will uncover, expose and gather evidence. Finally Uhuru knows brazen rigging is a return ticket to hague after kenya burns.

(1) Two tribes strategy.

Under this strategy, Azimio will sell claim to the other tribes that Kikuyu and Kalenjin have ruled Kenya for 60 years and its time for another tribe which will completely lock out Ruto in Ukambani,Coast,Nyanza and Western.

(2) Division of GEMA vote.

Under this strategy, Ensure 30%-40% of GEMA do not vote for William Ruto and that we have achieved by having the older generation on our side. This shall be done through propaganda, playing victim.

(3) State Machinery:

This will be the most effective strategy and it will be 100% fool proof.

(a) Ensure more voter turnout in Azimio regions through provincial and county administration.
(b) Delayed delivery of voting materials and jammed systems in UDA strongholds.
(c) "Partnership with party agents.
(d) Security on high alert.


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2022, 12:38:43 PM »
Not possible when Ruto has the majority of voters in GEMA
Rigging can only happen in stronghold like Luo Nyanza - I expect the usual stronghold rigging - that will be cancelled by Kalenjin rigging in their stronghold.
Otherwise you cannot pull it in GEMA. You cannot pull it anywhere else where UDA have strong ground with committed party agents.
Rigging will happen in Luo Nyanza and remote places of NEP - the places without 3G network.
IEBC remember are independent
Our supreme court unless they have changed (BBI will tell us) - will also cancel any rigged election.

And lastly money is not problem for Ruto - so it's bribery - it will happen to both side. He is willing to spend billions...something Uhuru has to steal from he is unwilling to spend his own loot.

Generally speaking the biggest weakness in Uhuru deep state moves is their leaking like a sieve thanks to Ruto parrallel NIS.

Ruto knows everything they did, are planning to do, and will do - because the naive folks - have 5yrs experience in power - Ruto has been in power since 90s - he knows deep state inside out.


Low turnout,
Fraudulent,Party agents ( UDA,Tujibebe and Chama cha Kazi ),Corrupt IEBC and GOK officials who can tamper results,
Delayed ballot and Delayed systems,
Divided GEMA between Ruto and Raila like in 2002 between Uhuru and Kibaki or 1992 between Kibaki and Matiba,

If you critically think about all these issue,You can only come to one SENSIBLE CONCLUSION which i dont have to state.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2022, 12:48:50 PM »
3) State machinery - Prov Administration/NIS/Rigging - this more lethal tool Uhuru has - but Ruto has very serious counter-intelligences (a parrallel NIS) - has ground game in almost every region except Luo Nyanza therefore it easy to reveal those plans and scatter them  - and unless Uhuru was to cut off all communication (make rigging so brazen) - Ruto has chirchir and team who understand our election systems - and have devised anti-rigging mechanism that will uncover, expose and gather evidence. Finally Uhuru knows brazen rigging is a return ticket to hague after kenya burns.

What counter intelligence?

How much money does Ruto have to bribe goverment officials who PRINT money?

How many Kalenjins senior police officers do we have in the provincial administration,Nis,Army and Police?

How many Senior Kalenjin police officers do we have at IEBC?

Does Kalenjin Chirchir controls Mpesa,Phone networks,IEBC systems?

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2022, 01:00:41 PM »
Not possible when Ruto has the majority of voters in GEMA
Rigging can only happen in stronghold like Luo Nyanza - I expect the usual stronghold rigging - that will be cancelled by Kalenjin rigging in their stronghold.
Otherwise you cannot pull it in GEMA. You cannot pull it anywhere else where UDA have strong ground with committed party agents.
Rigging will happen in Luo Nyanza and remote places of NEP - the places without 3G network.
IEBC remember are independent
Our supreme court unless they have changed (BBI will tell us) - will also cancel any rigged election.

And lastly money is not problem for Ruto - so it's bribery - it will happen to both side. He is willing to spend billions...something Uhuru has to steal from he is unwilling to spend his own loot.

Generally speaking the biggest weakness in Uhuru deep state moves is their leaking like a sieve thanks to Ruto parrallel NIS.

Ruto knows everything they did, are planning to do, and will do - because the naive folks - have 5yrs experience in power - Ruto has been in power since 90s - he knows deep state inside out.


Low turnout,
Fraudulent,Party agents ( UDA,Tujibebe and Chama cha Kazi ),Corrupt IEBC and GOK officials who can tamper results,
Delayed ballot and Delayed systems,
Divided GEMA between Ruto and Raila like in 2002 between Uhuru and Kibaki or 1992 between Kibaki and Matiba,

If you critically think about all these issue,You can only come to one SENSIBLE CONCLUSION which i dont have to state.


(1)  Jammed IEBC Kits, Who is manufacturing them?

(2)  Jammed Networks and delayed delivery of voting materials, Who controls phone networks?

(3)  Fraudulent IEBC, Political Party and GOK officials.

(4) Violence and Militia,Look at Laikipia,Pokot,Baringo etc

(5) Security


Azimio rigging zones:Nairobi,Kiambu,Nyanza,Coast,North Eastern,Ukambani, Western except Transzoia and parts of Bungoma.
UDA rigging zones: Rift valley,Kirinyaga..Where else?

This election will be won through rigging,Whoever has more rigging zones and controls the instruments of power will have the upper hand.


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2022, 01:10:14 PM »
This is becoming tiring already
You're praying for bungled election in the year of 2022 :)
It's not possible.
Gov doesnt control IEBC.
Gov doesnt control any network - or bungle delivery - print fake - then you either have annualed election or a civil war.
Ufool has not cojones for either.

What counter intelligence?

How much money does Ruto have to bribe goverment officials who PRINT money?

How many Kalenjins senior police officers do we have in the provincial administration,Nis,Army and Police?

How many Senior Kalenjin police officers do we have at IEBC?

Does Kalenjin Chirchir controls Mpesa,Phone networks,IEBC systems?

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2022, 01:12:29 PM »
Basically Azimio is built on a rigging platform,their move of trying to bring all small parties together is a cheap platform to say that they have representation everywhere in Kenya hence enhance there rigging mechanism. Its clear Azimio will rig but the question is how will they rig it,this is what gatheca is plotting day and night,they need rig in a foolproof method,not easy at all agaisnt Ruto who knows the government in and out and possibly created the Jubilee rigging infrastructure himself

Offline Pajero

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2022, 01:13:49 PM »
No rigging,Ruto will be beaten fair and square.You don't win election with 60% Rift valley and 50% central only.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2022, 01:17:14 PM »
You cannot win with Luo Nyanza only as your stronghold. That is reality facing Raila. Elsewhere even in Ukambani he is struggling - or slighly ahed of Ruto.
No rigging,Ruto will be beaten fair and square.You don't win election with 60% Rift valley and 50% central only.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2022, 01:21:21 PM »
No rigging,Ruto will be beaten fair and square.You don't win election with 60% Rift valley and 50% central only.

Stupid Jaluo,

We can't go to this election with such a mentality.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Uhuru & Raila Strategy Of Defeating Ruto On August 09/10.
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2022, 01:33:23 PM »
(1) Two tribes strategy.

Under this strategy, Azimio will sell claim to the other tribes that Kikuyu and Kalenjin have ruled Kenya for 60 years and its time for another tribe which will completely lock out Ruto in Ukambani,Coast,Nyanza and Western.

(2) Division of GEMA vote.

Under this strategy, Ensure 30%-40% of GEMA do not vote for William Ruto and that we have achieved by having the older generation on our side. This shall be done through propaganda, playing victim.

(3) State Machinery:

This will be the most effective strategy and it will be 100% fool proof.

(a) Ensure more voter turnout in Azimio regions through provincial and county administration.
(b) Delayed delivery of voting materials and jammed systems in UDA strongholds.
(c) "Partnership with party agents.
(d) Security on high alert.


Everything you have told us is new except the last paragraph in Bold - that last bit we ALL knew! :kiss: