That will only happen if it appears Ruto win is almost guaranteed
Like Kibaki in 2002 - it was obvious KANU would lose BIG.
Civil servant abandoned Moi one after the other. He was left with Sally Kosgey only
Ruto if he nicks Kalonzo now - then we have NARC - 60 plus win.
And that will totally change the game.
MaDVD+Weta took Ruto beyond 50 percent but many thinK that Uhuru like Moi has some magic card to pull - spill the beans and change GEMA attitude to Ruto.
So next two months we will see how far Uhuru want to engage.
But definitely money has started flowing and civil servants next will be whipped and threatened if they dont sell Azimio
Chiefs and Ass will be given work of mobilizing crowds.
If Uhuru find few people in an area - Chiefs will be canned.
Civil servants have no loyalty. Once election nears they will be running for their survival.
Ruto should have a DCI and DPP designate like the way he created an office for Namwamba. This what will awaken these civil servants from their dream hopes something will happen and deny Ruto Presidency.