Author Topic: #Somebody Tell That Miraa Addict Njuri Ncheke  (Read 2865 times)

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#Somebody Tell That Miraa Addict Njuri Ncheke
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:51:47 PM »
I studied in Kenya until I completed my Bachelors degree. I enrolled for as masters but left shortly after. The rest of my education is Western!

That said, I know many people who have got quality education in Kenya. These are Kenyans but also foreigners. Most of the doctors fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia are Kenya  educated. I would be surprised... even shocked .. if there were to be found a graduate professional in South Sudan without a Kenyan degree!

I agree that there are far too many "professors" in Kenya with nothing to profess. It has become a joke.

Quote from: Miraa Addict Ncheke
Mt. Kenya university is a brief case university i would never employ a graduate from there. That said all kenyan universities are crap loads of bullshit each day i wake am glad i never studied in kenya useless country in terms of education end results are punda and omollo
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Re: #Somebody Tell That Miraa Addict Njuri Ncheke
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2014, 04:58:52 PM »
The idea that any western university is by default better than local university has no basis. There is no doubt Harvard university is better than UON...but we know...UON is one of world top 1000 university going by some ranking.

That tells you for example..that UON is probably better than many western universities..if you assume of 200 countries..each contribute 2-10 colleges in the rank.

The same can be said of most kenya universities who rank highly.....of course we have few which are awful..but we can do with more and more universities...

Personally i think universities does very little to change somebody...if the input is Njuri Njeke..there is no miracle harvard can do to transform him into anything but a fool.

What kenyan top universities benefit great with As doing medicine will suceed..the same can be said for top german or US universities..they attract great students....But if you're talking Njuri njeke who gets  C plain and goes to western universities..and come claim he is now a genius..tough luck.

University is not going to transform you....there is not much teaching going on happen in formative then you should be able to read and understand stuff...lecturers job basically is to "introduce or interest " you to areas of studies..and leave the rest for you.

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Re: #Somebody Tell That Miraa Addict Njuri Ncheke
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2014, 05:19:22 PM »
I believe most education happens outside the confines of a classroom.  That said, Kenyan university education is recognized all over the world.  I think that is all that matters.  The rest is ultimately up to the individual. 

When one finds that they have to keep referring to their past attendance at a certain institution, that is usually a sign that they have nothing sensible to say for the present.  It is not unlike a white idiot bragging about the achievements of his racial stock.  Because he cannot brag about his individual achievements.
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Re: #Somebody Tell That Miraa Addict Njuri Ncheke
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2014, 05:37:07 PM »
Negroes in kenia adore western Education than you can't believe it. An idiot with some few years in the Nothern Hemisphere will more likely get the job than a broke a** HELB sucka

Bit I agree with Termie, I said I have learnt more out of my ipad than all my classroom years and am still learning. What Kenians should do is not get contented with some university ranking  and convocation but study all that they can on their profession of choice. Am really into that Outlier principle of 10,000 hours  practice manufacturing pros in just about ANY vocation
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.