Author Topic: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times  (Read 2719 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2022, 07:26:14 PM »
So Gorbachev Biography can be used as a reference as  he is the main reason USSR disintergrated. About East Germany  you put it simply they were broke, you dont state how . You dont talk of  Credit Boycot and cutdown  Soviet subsidies .

Read the man's biography first before commenting. He says very clearly the U.S.S.R was on its knees and could not keep up with the US in the arms race and also could not keep on subsidising its satellite nations and Eastern Block allies.
In 1983 East Germany was so broke that West Germany gave it a credit of over 1B DM. The two sister countries were bitter enemies, but the East had to swallow the bitter pill and beg for a credit. Things were thick.

Gorbachev came into power in 1985 U.S.S.R. fell in late 90s early 90s. The economy you say was dead broke is because of thw reforms Gorbachev Introduced. When did the political reforms in Humgary and Poland happen ?

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2022, 07:34:32 PM »

How can I debate with people who have been brainwashed by Western Media.
People who call Gorbachev a Statesman . It will be a waste of time.
Read the man's biography first before commenting. He says very clearly the U.S.S.R was on its knees and could not keep up with the US in the arms race and also could not keep on subsidising its satellite nations and Eastern Block allies.
In 1983 East Germany was so broke that West Germany gave it a credit of over 1B DM. The two sister countries were bitter enemies, but the East had to swallow the bitter pill and beg for a credit. Things were thick.

Gorbachev came into power in 1985 U.S.S.R. fell in late 90s early 90s. The economy you say was dead broke is because of thw reforms Gorbachev Introduced. When did the political reforms in Humgary and Poland happen ?

This guy just circlejerks arguments is hard to debate or converse with him

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2022, 07:59:53 PM »
Who is your favorite Russian leader? You see instead of being argumentative just give us who you think was statement in Russia and your reasons of saying Gorbachev was a traitor.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2022, 08:13:32 PM »
What a question.
Russia has only had 3 leaders. Yelsin Putin and Medvedev.
Now to directly answer your question. Its definetly Putin.I hold the same sentiments as Putin when it comes to Gorbachev.

Who is your favorite Russian leader? You see instead of being argumentative just give us who you think was statement in Russia and your reasons of saying Gorbachev was a traitor.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2022, 08:16:28 PM »
Ussr..we in global south refer to Russia

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2022, 08:28:33 PM »

You mean U.S.S.R. ? Just like Putin I think it was mistake for the Bolsheviks creating Soviet Republics feom what was the Russian Empire after thw revolution .I admired Trotsky very much.

Ussr..we in global south refer to Russia

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2022, 08:46:37 PM »
Ussr..we in global south refer to Russia

USSR is not Russia, rather Russia made the most powerful brother in the USSR system.
Putin wants that, even when the populace see no benefit.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2022, 08:49:02 PM »
Ussr..we in global south refer to Russia

USSR is not Russia, rather Russia made the most powerful brother in the USSR system.
Putin wants that, even when the populace see no benefit.

I agree...but in the context of us africans referring to Russia as ussr..

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2022, 09:14:24 PM »

U.S.S.R. was formed from Russian Empire. Hence the reason has been know as Russia. In Africa is was known as Urusi due to Arabic language Influence.
Putin is wants to keep NATO far away from its borders. NATO was formed as a detterence to U.S.S.R.
After fall of U.S.S.R. NATO continued expanding Eastwards even after NATO and U.S. promised that wouldnt happen.
Now NATO borders Russia through Balitic states and now wants to absord Ukraine.
Russia is a Federation made of several Republics once NATO knocks the door of Russia . The Republics will want to breakaway.
Putin is right in trying to avert this and maintain Russian Sovereignity.
Ussr..we in global south refer to Russia

USSR is not Russia, rather Russia made the most powerful brother in the USSR system.
Putin wants that, even when the populace see no benefit.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2022, 12:08:20 AM »
Blaming one man for the disintragation of the USSR is a big joke.
When one is broke, how can one discribe it?
Tell me one thing, why was it necessary for the East Block countries to block their people from traveling to the west? The Western Europeans could move to and from Eastern Europe and not the other wa round.

So Gorbachev Biography can be used as a reference as he is the main reason USSR disintergrated. About East Germany  you put it simply they were broke, you dont state how . You dont talk of  Credit Boycot and cutdown  Soviet subsidies .

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2022, 12:15:11 AM »
Blaming one man for the disintragation of the USSR is a big joke.
When one is broke, how can one discribe it?
Tell me one thing, why was it necessary for the East Block countries to block their people from traveling to the west? The Western Europeans could move to and from Eastern Europe and not the other wa round.

So Gorbachev Biography can be used as a reference as he is the main reason USSR disintergrated. About East Germany  you put it simply they were broke, you dont state how . You dont talk of  Credit Boycot and cutdown  Soviet subsidies .

East bloc did not want their people to be contaminated with Western ideas. They forgot that The more you tell somone not to have it, the more they want it.
The lies finally caught with East bloc and like dominoes they fell.
Putin has gone to the same mentality again. Media is state run. Internet is blocked for any negative talk of Putin. He is trying to control what  Russians hear.
Perestroika opened Russia, he is closing Ruaaia.

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2022, 03:12:27 AM »
Gorbachev is super smart. Didn't realize that he was top student in Moscow University. A decent man

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Re: GORBACHEV is still alive - Humble and greatest Stateman of our times
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2022, 04:20:00 AM »

How can I debate with people who have been brainwashed by Western Media.
People who call Gorbachev a Statesman . It will be a waste of time.
Read the man's biography first before commenting. He says very clearly the U.S.S.R was on its knees and could not keep up with the US in the arms race and also could not keep on subsidising its satellite nations and Eastern Block allies.
In 1983 East Germany was so broke that West Germany gave it a credit of over 1B DM. The two sister countries were bitter enemies, but the East had to swallow the bitter pill and beg for a credit. Things were thick.

Gorbachev came into power in 1985 U.S.S.R. fell in late 90s early 90s. The economy you say was dead broke is because of thw reforms Gorbachev Introduced. When did the political reforms in Humgary and Poland happen ?

This guy just circlejerks arguments is hard to debate or converse with him

    Noway  you have to know that western propaganda is and has always been very lethal. This fuckers convinced Africans to sell their own kin during slavery and when they couldn't compete amongst themselves they banned the trade and replaced it with other forms of the same but packaged to be nicer looking....colonization, religion and of course the modern day hold they have on other peoples of the world through trade. What I always find laughable and sad at the same time is when a negro starts parroting the so called values of the same idiots who literally raped our people and our lands. How do you reconcile for example the fake values of democracy and human rights in one place while turning a blind eye to the same when it favors you or is being done by your allies...a few cases in point shouting at the top of your lungs about genocide in China but ignore atrocities in say Yemen, Syria and Palestine? Call Putin , Xi  etc tyrants but embrace the monarchies of the middle east some of whom will ask for your body be chopped up with a bone saw for daring to criticize them or closer at home find clever ways of ensuring other people cant vote through clever laws, and if they do then lump them together with  so many white folks in a district that way their vote wont make a difference through gerrymandering? When Maxim Rudim invented the machine gun and saw what it could do he was very quick to suggest that it should never be used on fellow white folks. Propaganda has been used throughout western history especially when competition threatened to take away money and influence . When airbus started producing passenger jets to compete with Boeing  in the 70s the planes were rumored to cause some funny ailment ..will look for that material when I get a chance. Anyone who has read enough about say the CIA knows the dirty tricks they used from subverting elections in Italy to overthowing  democratically elected governments in Iran to Guatemala. During the cold war they had crazy stuff some of which was even too much for some presidents like Lyndon Johnson who always believed Castro got JFK killed because of the crazy ways Kennedy had tried to either overthrow him( Bay of Pigs invasion) to crazy ideas of exploding cigars or putting explosives on a sea shell in a beach Castro used to go to...imagine a sea shell like Castro would have picked just that specific one. History teaches us that it is mostly written by the victors so I wish folks would educate themselves more on what the same victors left out deliberately. This blindly believing the bull spread by some western sources is very dangerous. Don't be surprised when some folks start bringing down Chinese built  or financed infrastructure in the near future back in our countries due to such.