Njuri this one of my three khat plant in Nairobi - making me self sufficient
in Khat
How you plant it in Nairobi? If local youth catch wind of it you will have several break ins.
In my shags grandad had planted Miraa but theft cases were high so he put numerous traps those that catch wild animals to catch the thieves. When he passed on and dad took over he couldn't keep up with theft so he cut down the Miraa trees not for the theft as he didn't care about Miraa as he loathed it but because thieves used to step and damage on other plants like maize beans as they made their way to Miraa trees. Generally in our area Miraa doesn't do good as North parts. We still have a few family trees kept to provide for the extended family though but our Miraa its handas is extreme it causes severe anxiety and panic attack,My cousin chewed one night and as we were going to sleep he started screaming running inside the house and we saw a bee hovering on his head, when we asked him what problem it was he said it was an helicopter chasing him. So we wrestled him to the ground and gave him some tot of vodka to clear up the panic. Alcohol and Miraa cancel each other's effect