Author Topic: If Abiy had intelligence and intellect like Kibaki - Ethiopia civil war  (Read 640 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Reading Kiraitu interview - it's was obvious like Tigrays - that Kalenjin elite led by Moi had committed 24yrs of trangression but going for Moi would have sparked a civil war. Kalenjin then literally dominated and run the security forces. Touching Moi was a no go zone. Kalenjin nation was on the edge - many blaming Moi for handing power to Narc instead of military - like some hardliners like Biwott wanted.

Now Ethiopia are in throes of civil war that will lead to destruction of the promising country future - and send them back again to stone age.

All Abiy needed to do was to let Tigray issue slide.....and in a decade or so...they would be weaken.


If Baby Abbiy had this kind of intellect...

I think coming from where we were, what we needed as a country was drafting strategies on how to move forward. As I said, in a democratic setting, you cannot have a radical break with the past. It is not possible because the people who helped you come to power have roots in the past system.

You cannot make radical reforms in a democratic system. It has to move slowly. It is not like when you shoot your way to power because that way you can even afford a revolution. As long as you are elected, you have so many equations to balance in your quest for votes. You also have a lot of people with different agenda and you have to compromise. Democracy is about listening and compromise.