Author Topic: Digitization is among very few things I'll give Jubilee props for . . .  (Read 740 times)

Offline Dear Mami

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From e-citizen's many services and it's far slower county counterparts, to Huduma number (which I hope is reinstated on appeal) to the new e-registry planned for land, it seems this is the way we'll begin closing corruption loopholes, along with this wealth-explaining the anti-corruption people do. It's also one of the ways we'll start to boost productivity, i.e. by removing bureaucracy and cumbersome fees (and bribes) as much as possible.

Capturing our informal economy for taxation purposes remains a big challenge. KRA seems to be working very hard to find solutions. I guess driven by the angst caused by the hefty debts. About the only positive thing to come from that disaster

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Digitization is among very few things I'll give Jubilee props for . . .
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2021, 08:17:53 AM »
Yes digization is the way go - to provide gov services and deal with systemic corruption. Next Gov should ban cash transactions of more than 5,000 Kshs - now that M-pesa is ubiquitous. Once all transactions are digital - it would be easy for everyone including KRA - to track and trace illegal money.

If there is someone who should retain his job - then new KRA boss Mburu - clearly knows what he is doing.

I am really optimistic that if Mburu is supported - Kenya can double it tax collection - without increasing the tax rate - there is a lot of tax leakages - that need to be sealed.