But can this work in a hilly country? seem like could work in flat countries? Rwanda is trying but it's too hilly to be pracictal but we have battery powered bikes?
But definitely this the future of cities.
I dont know of big cities like Nairobi will 5 million people
But definitely could and should work for small flat cities.
You said it. Electric bikes are a fraction of the cost of IC vehicles, & EV's.
Smart choice. Why waste all that energy to propel a 2 tone vehicle.
If we bold enough to implement people centric cities.
We would halve our oil import bill overnight, inflation would go down, economic output would increase with cheap energy. Environmental benefits, health benefits, safety benefits.
Win, win, win across the board. It is a no brainer.
Instead we are subsidizing Chinese banks and construction firms. Building elevated highways and what not.
We are enriching Japan - already the 3 richest nation on earth, importing clunkers by the shipload. We are not smart species really when you delve into our choices.
If I were the president, I would set up a bicycle factory in this country. I would put the youth to work paving pedestrian walkways and cycle paths, collecting trash, beautify the environment.
One can only dream.