There is nothing special about China,Population wise its % of global population has fallen from 28% in 1800s to 19% now while Africa population has double over the last 40years and will overtake China by 2050...Urbanization wise China is at 50% while Africa is 40% while having one of the fastest urbanization rates in the world,If its economic growth rate China has slowed from 11% to 7% while most African countries growth rate is ever rising,One of the key drivers of China growth since 1978 was Infrastructure And Africa is improving in that sector...on governance,China is a dictatorial regime prone to uprising like we've seen in Hong Kong,its like Africa 30years ago or soviet union while Africa political governance is improving with peace handover of power in more than 10 of 20 countries which have conducted elections,lastly is that we dont hear of Africa success stories due to our fragments 54 countries,with integration our story will be heard,India is overtaking China very soon,China is not ruling the world any time soon,
Without Prejudice.