If Uhuru had captured the judiciary - he won't need BBI. He needs BBI to control the judiciary. Cok2010 sio Mchezo. Koome power is VERY VERY LIMITED. She is just the titular head. She has no power over anything much.
She is just there to inspire confidence - otherwise Cok2010 and laws and regulations - already dealt with many issues.
At the supreme court - she is just like any other judge.
CoA - is independent - and CJ has no role.
At High court - CJ only picks the bench - if it requires a bench- otherwise, cases are randomly assigned by a computer system.
What CJ and JSC can do is transfer judges and magistrates around - maybe.
Judges enjoy the security of tenure and it very hard to get the evidence you can take to tribunal - and remove them. That is why Uhuru has yet to share the evidence he has - because HE HAS NOTHING.
Our judiciary won't be easy to capture - hence BBI.
Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.
No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?
By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott
Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.
So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.