Author Topic: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck  (Read 3981 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« on: January 24, 2021, 04:44:21 PM »

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2021, 04:50:20 PM »


"I started receiving phone calls from all powerful institutions in this government demanding that I recant the letter and also I be funded to go to the grassroots and speak well of BBI. I refused since I had, and still retain, a conviction I was being truthful and helping my president escape political shame shadowing him in Mt Kenya," he said.

The Murang'a senator said the next scheme after the plan to coerce him to conform flopped was to kick him out of the prestigious senate's perch "but Tangatanga wing of Senate formation refused to play ball hence denying the plot numbers. I had revealed how Jubilee Party honchos had threatened to remove me from the Senate Chief Whip’s position, scandalise me and put me to jail if I refused to recant the letter by January 5. Now that I have refused to disown my letter, the intimidation has commenced," he said.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2021, 04:56:10 PM »
All this because Kangata said the plain truth. What are these statehouse henchmen smoking? If politicians can't sell mbimbi i in mt.kenya will they manage? Total fools.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2021, 05:11:54 PM »
But they should already knows such drama have zero results; Yes for governors - Mumbi messed up and allowed DCI/DPP/EACC- the powers to intimidate governors - for everyone else - the fight will go to judiciary.

The abuse of power continues....Judiciary is our only hope...otherwise KRA/DCI/DPP/EACC/NCIC/Police - are already under the pocket of Harambee/Statehouse.

The fight is on for the soul of judiciary - and we shall see who get appointed the CJ - and who will replace Ojwang. JSC - good thing is dominated by magistrates and judges.

The next fight is on IEBC...5 commissioners need to be replaced.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2021, 07:34:11 PM »
The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

Offline mankind

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2021, 10:00:05 PM »
The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

     Cry our beloved country.  I didn't realize how bad corruption was in Kenya until I started meeting some friends I went to school with and mostly working now for county government and they would be flossing wealth if I may call it so. When I would try to find out how they could afford such I got the same answer...mchoro/ deals etc. You see as you said those of us have went to school here and know what it takes to make money have a very transparent way about it. It's laid out bare in tax returns.  Back home its crazy.  People have these vehicles and houses that they buy for three or four times the market rate. I once challenged a buddy by showing him the price of a Mercedes E class new in a Boston dealership compared to the same but older vehicle in Kenya and he couldn't believe it. How do properties go for the same price or more in Kenya like New York or Boston in a country with a GDP of  100 billion dollars?? Pure corruption and money laundering going on.

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2021, 10:28:22 PM »
The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

     Cry our beloved country.  I didn't realize how bad corruption was in Kenya until I started meeting some friends I went to school with and mostly working now for county government and they would be flossing wealth if I may call it so. When I would try to find out how they could afford such I got the same answer...mchoro/ deals etc. You see as you said those of us have went to school here and know what it takes to make money have a very transparent way about it. It's laid out bare in tax returns.  Back home its crazy.  People have these vehicles and houses that they buy for three or four times the market rate. I once challenged a buddy by showing him the price of a Mercedes E class new in a Boston dealership compared to the same but older vehicle in Kenya and he couldn't believe it. How do properties go for the same price or more in Kenya like New York or Boston in a country with a GDP of  100 billion dollars?? Pure corruption and money laundering going on.

Fairandbalanced and Mankind .... you have hit the nail right on the head!!

And Kangata should not even be giving us those woooiye stories, the truth of the matter is that they have been rolling in corruptly procured payments at City Hall. And this i know from first hand, what FB has narrated is exactly the drill. These invesitigations have been on-going and they were just about to get to the next stage.... Kangata is not the only one on the rap, why arent the other lawyers being investigated equally crying foul??

Yes, Ojienda and Kidero were the biggest crooks in this scam. Ojienda, who was struggling in Nakuru barely making ends meet started making billions using these scandalous methods with Kidero in Mumias; they then moved their cartel methods to City Hall but at a much bigger scale e.g. they would create a phantom claims against the County (one was at an astronomical figure of Shs.35b regarding some land). Ojienda will then be detailed to defend it; all of a sudden they reach an out of court settlement at astronomical "consent" agreements... of course the accuser and defendant are simply choreographed! The loot is shared.... and Sonko as senator was in these schemes as well.

Kenya is at a rotten state. We really need a reboot and complete new paradigm with a public oriented and competent group of people. It must be right at the top and cascading to all the critical echelons of our body politic and public service.

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2021, 10:57:53 PM »
Precisely.. DJ Kangata should stop crying wolf. The boy is a thief. Dig deeper.  Ahmednassir subreme goat showed them how is done. These lawyers are all involved in industrial scale corruption.

The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

     Cry our beloved country.  I didn't realize how bad corruption was in Kenya until I started meeting some friends I went to school with and mostly working now for county government and they would be flossing wealth if I may call it so. When I would try to find out how they could afford such I got the same answer...mchoro/ deals etc. You see as you said those of us have went to school here and know what it takes to make money have a very transparent way about it. It's laid out bare in tax returns.  Back home its crazy.  People have these vehicles and houses that they buy for three or four times the market rate. I once challenged a buddy by showing him the price of a Mercedes E class new in a Boston dealership compared to the same but older vehicle in Kenya and he couldn't believe it. How do properties go for the same price or more in Kenya like New York or Boston in a country with a GDP of  100 billion dollars?? Pure corruption and money laundering going on.

Fairandbalanced and Mankind .... you have hit the nail right on the head!!

And Kangata should not even be giving us those woooiye stories, the truth of the matter is that they have been rolling in corruptly procured payments at City Hall. And this i know from first hand, what FB has narrated is exactly the drill. These invesitigations have been on-going and they were just about to get to the next stage.... Kangata is not the only one on the rap, why arent the other lawyers being investigated equally crying foul??

Yes, Ojienda and Kidero were the biggest crooks in this scam. Ojienda, who was struggling in Nakuru barely making ends meet started making billions using these scandalous methods with Kidero in Mumias; they then moved their cartel methods to City Hall but at a much bigger scale e.g. they would create a phantom claims against the County (one was at an astronomical figure of Shs.35b regarding some land). Ojienda will then be detailed to defend it; all of a sudden they reach an out of court settlement at astronomical "consent" agreements... of course the accuser and defendant are simply choreographed! The loot is shared.... and Sonko as senator was in these schemes as well.

Kenya is at a rotten state. We really need a reboot and complete new paradigm with a public oriented and competent group of people. It must be right at the top and cascading to all the critical echelons of our body politic and public service.

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2021, 04:55:17 AM »
But we are mostly made from the same cloth, given the opportunity most of us will look the other way and steal or let me mitigate it by saying tenderpreneur ourselves to wealth. We get pissed off because we are not by the honey pot. If the judicial dog does not bite, we all fall in that hole

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2021, 07:43:53 AM »

One of the reason I say Kenyans are not honest and sincire,Kidero plundered Nairobi county money and guess what part of it was used to single handedly sponsor Raila and ODM activities from 2013 to 2017 not forgetting the other sponsor was Joho.

However these Raila supporters will never talk of it. For them Raila is safi kama pamba. Kenyans can see through it . Its not out of the ordinary they are supporting Hustler Movement .Ita because of this reason , they know politicians are corrupt   they simply dont want to be lied to.

Raila is as corrupt as the other polticians , he is also sorrunded by murderes ,rapists and all kind of dirt. Kenyans  can see it and they see it every day. Thats why they get disgusted when he pretends he is a holy one

The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

     Cry our beloved country.  I didn't realize how bad corruption was in Kenya until I started meeting some friends I went to school with and mostly working now for county government and they would be flossing wealth if I may call it so. When I would try to find out how they could afford such I got the same answer...mchoro/ deals etc. You see as you said those of us have went to school here and know what it takes to make money have a very transparent way about it. It's laid out bare in tax returns.  Back home its crazy.  People have these vehicles and houses that they buy for three or four times the market rate. I once challenged a buddy by showing him the price of a Mercedes E class new in a Boston dealership compared to the same but older vehicle in Kenya and he couldn't believe it. How do properties go for the same price or more in Kenya like New York or Boston in a country with a GDP of  100 billion dollars?? Pure corruption and money laundering going on.

Fairandbalanced and Mankind .... you have hit the nail right on the head!!

And Kangata should not even be giving us those woooiye stories, the truth of the matter is that they have been rolling in corruptly procured payments at City Hall. And this i know from first hand, what FB has narrated is exactly the drill. These invesitigations have been on-going and they were just about to get to the next stage.... Kangata is not the only one on the rap, why arent the other lawyers being investigated equally crying foul??

Yes, Ojienda and Kidero were the biggest crooks in this scam. Ojienda, who was struggling in Nakuru barely making ends meet started making billions using these scandalous methods with Kidero in Mumias; they then moved their cartel methods to City Hall but at a much bigger scale e.g. they would create a phantom claims against the County (one was at an astronomical figure of Shs.35b regarding some land). Ojienda will then be detailed to defend it; all of a sudden they reach an out of court settlement at astronomical "consent" agreements... of course the accuser and defendant are simply choreographed! The loot is shared.... and Sonko as senator was in these schemes as well.

Kenya is at a rotten state. We really need a reboot and complete new paradigm with a public oriented and competent group of people. It must be right at the top and cascading to all the critical echelons of our body politic and public service.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2021, 07:45:51 AM »

Kangata became a thief once he wtote the letter.
Railamaniacs are vey funny

Precisely.. DJ Kangata should stop crying wolf. The boy is a thief. Dig deeper.  Ahmednassir subreme goat showed them how is done. These lawyers are all involved in industrial scale corruption.

The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

     Cry our beloved country.  I didn't realize how bad corruption was in Kenya until I started meeting some friends I went to school with and mostly working now for county government and they would be flossing wealth if I may call it so. When I would try to find out how they could afford such I got the same answer...mchoro/ deals etc. You see as you said those of us have went to school here and know what it takes to make money have a very transparent way about it. It's laid out bare in tax returns.  Back home its crazy.  People have these vehicles and houses that they buy for three or four times the market rate. I once challenged a buddy by showing him the price of a Mercedes E class new in a Boston dealership compared to the same but older vehicle in Kenya and he couldn't believe it. How do properties go for the same price or more in Kenya like New York or Boston in a country with a GDP of  100 billion dollars?? Pure corruption and money laundering going on.

Fairandbalanced and Mankind .... you have hit the nail right on the head!!

And Kangata should not even be giving us those woooiye stories, the truth of the matter is that they have been rolling in corruptly procured payments at City Hall. And this i know from first hand, what FB has narrated is exactly the drill. These invesitigations have been on-going and they were just about to get to the next stage.... Kangata is not the only one on the rap, why arent the other lawyers being investigated equally crying foul??

Yes, Ojienda and Kidero were the biggest crooks in this scam. Ojienda, who was struggling in Nakuru barely making ends meet started making billions using these scandalous methods with Kidero in Mumias; they then moved their cartel methods to City Hall but at a much bigger scale e.g. they would create a phantom claims against the County (one was at an astronomical figure of Shs.35b regarding some land). Ojienda will then be detailed to defend it; all of a sudden they reach an out of court settlement at astronomical "consent" agreements... of course the accuser and defendant are simply choreographed! The loot is shared.... and Sonko as senator was in these schemes as well.

Kenya is at a rotten state. We really need a reboot and complete new paradigm with a public oriented and competent group of people. It must be right at the top and cascading to all the critical echelons of our body politic and public service.

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2021, 08:25:37 AM »
What are you guys telling us? That the govt picks and chooses who to investigate? Why haven’t they gone after Ruto then? He is the mother of all corruption in Kenya. I really do not get the point, why don’t you point to someone who is corrupt but the government is leaving them alone because they support BBI, you tried Kalonzo and he floored you, he is still waiting for an answer from Ruto. Let’s say Ruto wins the presidency( highly unlikely) is this the way you going to run your government? As long as you support us, you can do whatever to whoever you want. That my friends is the definition and the epitome of corruption. I honestly do not have anything against Kangata, in the world of crocodiles, he comes out as a decent, urbane, sophisticated guy. I like his style but he must pay for his sins, that’s no excuse to steal. If I was a kikuyu tribalist, I would actually be happy either way. It seems BBI if explained well and divorced from Raila presidency, will benefit them the most. Ruto presidency( which I highly doubt) seems to be a perpetuation of Kukuyu/ Kale dominance. I just feel sorry for idiotic Kikuyus placing too much faith on a conman like Ruto.

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2021, 08:27:45 AM »
EACC and Uhuru lost it when they didn't charge Matiangi despite the file being read for Ruaraka.
EACC, DCI, etc should be independent - and should not be guided by anybody.
When Ruto becomes PORK - I hope he will respect the independence of such institutions.
Normally politically incompetent fellows like Uhuru uses such institutions to help their politics.
Ruto is master politician who can thrive without need to intimidate it's likely he will deal with political issues politically
What are you guys telling us? That the govt picks and chooses who to investigate? Why haven’t they gone after Ruto then? He is the mother of all corruption in Kenya. I really do not get the point, why don’t you point to someone who is corrupt but the government is leaving them alone because they support BBI, you tried Kalonzo and he floored you, he is still waiting for an answer from Ruto. Let’s say Ruto wins the presidency( highly unlikely) is this the way you going to run your government? As long as you support us, you can do whatever to whoever you want. That my friends is the definition and the epitome of corruption.

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2021, 09:03:22 AM »
Kang'ata is a thief. Like many others who rely on Uthamaki.  Uhuru knew he was a thief and may have added to his thievery. That was kompromat which was there even as he wrote his letter.

That they chose to wave the kompromat over his head doesn't necessarily mean they are discovering he's a thief! No they always known him to be corrupt! In fact him and Kimunya were selected for exactly that reason. Like if I wanted to get a good sucker old woman, I'd know where to go in Mkundu wa Njenga!

To allege that he's being set up is plain sickening. Is the timing wrong? Definitely. Should Ruto be targeted to even out things? That's crazy. Is Raila behind it? I think he's being given more power than he's got. Uhuru set the dogs on Kang'ata and you know I actually support it!

Kangata became a thief once he wtote the letter.
Railamaniacs are vey funny

Precisely.. DJ Kangata should stop crying wolf. The boy is a thief. Dig deeper.  Ahmednassir subreme goat showed them how is done. These lawyers are all involved in industrial scale corruption.

The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

     Cry our beloved country.  I didn't realize how bad corruption was in Kenya until I started meeting some friends I went to school with and mostly working now for county government and they would be flossing wealth if I may call it so. When I would try to find out how they could afford such I got the same answer...mchoro/ deals etc. You see as you said those of us have went to school here and know what it takes to make money have a very transparent way about it. It's laid out bare in tax returns.  Back home its crazy.  People have these vehicles and houses that they buy for three or four times the market rate. I once challenged a buddy by showing him the price of a Mercedes E class new in a Boston dealership compared to the same but older vehicle in Kenya and he couldn't believe it. How do properties go for the same price or more in Kenya like New York or Boston in a country with a GDP of  100 billion dollars?? Pure corruption and money laundering going on.

Fairandbalanced and Mankind .... you have hit the nail right on the head!!

And Kangata should not even be giving us those woooiye stories, the truth of the matter is that they have been rolling in corruptly procured payments at City Hall. And this i know from first hand, what FB has narrated is exactly the drill. These invesitigations have been on-going and they were just about to get to the next stage.... Kangata is not the only one on the rap, why arent the other lawyers being investigated equally crying foul??

Yes, Ojienda and Kidero were the biggest crooks in this scam. Ojienda, who was struggling in Nakuru barely making ends meet started making billions using these scandalous methods with Kidero in Mumias; they then moved their cartel methods to City Hall but at a much bigger scale e.g. they would create a phantom claims against the County (one was at an astronomical figure of Shs.35b regarding some land). Ojienda will then be detailed to defend it; all of a sudden they reach an out of court settlement at astronomical "consent" agreements... of course the accuser and defendant are simply choreographed! The loot is shared.... and Sonko as senator was in these schemes as well.

Kenya is at a rotten state. We really need a reboot and complete new paradigm with a public oriented and competent group of people. It must be right at the top and cascading to all the critical echelons of our body politic and public service.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2021, 10:07:56 PM »
 Kenya is full of corruption and thieves from family members all the way to the top. Picture this,  I remember not long ago Kalonzo declared he was worth 50 million shillings now he is a shilling billionaire, Waiguru during the NYS scandal which I believe she was mostly a victim after watching her being grilled by idiots like Larry Gumbo who could not understand basic workings of Ifmis system and the safe guards in it had to result to telling her they were engineers, a totally irrelevant crap said she was worth 80 million then. On Jeff Koinange program a few months ago she said she was worth 300 million.  Raila said he was worth 2 billion shillings not long ago I am sure he has gone up by a billion going by the trend. It's so sad to see common folks struggling while the politicians keep stealing and going scot free. A friend of mine at NIS told me almost all ex governors and current ones are being investigated for corruption but will they be held accountable? As Bryan from London used to say in the old forum there's no clean money in Kenya especially politicians.  Marende was a skinny guy in 2007 when he became speaker.  Within a year or so came Solomonic wisdom when Raila and Kalonzo were fighting over who was leader of government business in parliament and off course  the guy looked like he had swallowed  baking powder.  Cry our beloved  country.

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2021, 12:05:11 AM »
EACC and Uhuru lost it when they didn't charge Matiangi despite the file being read for Ruaraka.
EACC, DCI, etc should be independent - and should not be guided by anybody.
When Ruto becomes PORK - I hope he will respect the independence of such institutions. :D :D :D :D :D :D
Normally politically incompetent fellows like Uhuru uses such institutions to help their politics.
Ruto is master politician who can thrive without need to intimidate it's likely he will deal with political issues politically

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2021, 03:54:07 AM »
The LSK of Muite, Gibson and other freedom fighters is long gone. LSK now is the worst cartel in Kenya. If you become aware of the corruption happening in city hall through these lawyers, you would be disgusted like I am. It’s the easiest con in town, file some cheesy lawsuit against the city like witch doctors vs the city of Nairobi, the city instead of going to court settles for millions, the lawyers and city officials share the spoils. This is how Kidero and Prof Ojieda fleeced the city dry and became billionaires while the shithole city choked in filth. Kenyan lawyers have it real good, the corrupt system is like a low hanging fruit. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a lawyer in developed countries? Some lawyers have to work part time jobs to pay bills. Public defenders here in the USA are paid literally nothing etc it’s so fascinating how a whole country like Kenya becomes obsessed with the government, it’s almost like people cannot think outside of this sphere and therefore lack of innovation and vision, the politics of baba na mama have completely destroyed my beloved country. I happen to hangout with the so called rich in Kenya, they all agree on one thing....Kenya is suffering from lack of transformative leadership and that’s why I laugh off Ruto and his wheelbarrow nonsense of envy politics. When Uhuru signed and an executive order stopping state corporations from suing one another or hiring private lawyers, lawyers in Kenya took a huge dump, they do not know any other way like going out there and building a clientele from the ground through the power of their intelligence and reputation.

     Cry our beloved country.  I didn't realize how bad corruption was in Kenya until I started meeting some friends I went to school with and mostly working now for county government and they would be flossing wealth if I may call it so. When I would try to find out how they could afford such I got the same answer...mchoro/ deals etc. You see as you said those of us have went to school here and know what it takes to make money have a very transparent way about it. It's laid out bare in tax returns.  Back home its crazy.  People have these vehicles and houses that they buy for three or four times the market rate. I once challenged a buddy by showing him the price of a Mercedes E class new in a Boston dealership compared to the same but older vehicle in Kenya and he couldn't believe it. How do properties go for the same price or more in Kenya like New York or Boston in a country with a GDP of  100 billion dollars?? Pure corruption and money laundering going on.

   Fair and Balanced  looks like you had a scoop on the happenings at shitty  hole down to the crooks involved.

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Re: EACC Now Goes For Kangata -Goodluck
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2021, 10:46:52 AM »
Kang'ata is a clean hustler. Reason why he was tapped was because the deep shit thought they could corrupt him with tenders. Guys has no clue on cutting deals. He is just a happy go rasta not even a lawyer leave alone crooked. Reason they have to go back to 2018 payments at Shitty Hole.

In 2017 campaigns he had to cry to Ruto after ufool endorsed Kembi who had lost the nominations.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution