Author Topic: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto  (Read 2537 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« on: September 26, 2020, 05:53:23 PM »

The Orange Democratic Movement has suspended Kilifi North Member of Parliament Owen Baya over links with DP William Ruto.

The party on Saturday said its National Executive Council had resolved to suspend the legislator over his recent political moves.

Secretary General Edwin Sifuna said the move came following a two-day retreat at Stoni Athi Resort in Athi River.

He said as a result of the suspension, the MP  had also been relieved of his post as the party’s deputy organising secretary.

"Cognisant of the central role that the party's NEC plays in the management of the party and the need to maintain the probity of its deliberations, the NEC resolved to suspend Hon. Owen Baya, the MP for Kilifi North from membership of this critical organ and from his position as the Deputy Organisisng Secretary given his recent utterances and conduct that have cast doubt on his commitment to this party and its onbjectives," Sifuna said.

ODM leader Raila Odinga leads the party's National Executive Council in Stoni Athi Resort
Image: ODM

On Wednesday, Baya was part of a delegation of Coast MPs that escorted Feisal Abdallah Bader, an aspirant for the Msambweni parliamentary seat, to meet Deputy President William Ruto at his Karen office.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2020, 06:09:01 PM »
They will be doing a lot of that. Only that governors are afriad of BBI=CID.

Offline Pajero

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2020, 09:26:43 PM »
Name me one mp from coast in the last parliament who rebelled against ODM and went ahead to retain his/her seat.Lets start from there.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2020, 11:54:06 PM »
They will always be traitors who sell their souls for filthy lucre. The miscreant will easily be replaced.

Coast is solidly ODM. They are not stupid, with Baba they have one foot in power already why mess it by dallying with an outcast whose star is rapidly fading by the day. He will run out of money soon the way he is bribing folks.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2020, 12:10:45 AM »
Name me one mp from coast in the last parliament who rebelled against ODM and went ahead to retain his/her seat.Lets start from there.

Mvurya the Governor and Mwashetani from Lunga Lunga

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2020, 12:25:37 AM »
ODM lost some slots in Mombasa and Kwale by allowing Joho shenanigans in primaries. When they get their act together with clean, fair primaries they do well. It is not easy to overturn 15 years of ODM network.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2020, 01:31:10 AM »
When did you last see Kingi or Mvurya or any Mijikenda with Raila. Raila is kaput in coast. He mistreated coast and finally they are leaving. The sooner you start accepting that the better. The next battle will be in Busia - and come 2022 Raila will be back to 1997 - at 10%. It's happening - the last kick will come from Uhuru :)

Coast has been loyal and you've repaid them with what? Madharua.

And last nail that drove even someone like Owen guy who was radical pro-Raila was ODM pushing 1Man 1Shilling irrespective of fact that coast was losing. Again instead of trying to understand - you've gone ahead to expel him :) :)

That is why Raila recently was lonely man in coast - only Joho & his two lackeys - came to see him - with confuse Juma boy son (kwale senator) - otherwise rest kept off.

Raila desperately went to bombolulu roadblock - to address people - and he was left alone.

BBI aka Intimidation is about to see it's last days because as we approach 2012 - governors will not care - it will become impossible to impeach them anyway.

Ruto undeground movement is huge - it's bubbling ready to burst - but give time the lameduck Uhuru to run amok.

ODM lost some slots in Mombasa and Kwale by allowing Joho shenanigans in primaries. When they get their act together with clean, fair primaries they do well. It is not easy to overturn 15 years of ODM network.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2020, 01:37:00 AM »
ODM aka Luo party of Kenya - read this

Coast politicians, a majority of them members of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), are in the final stages of forming a party ahead of the 2022 General Election.

They said the new party will give the region a stronger bargaining power in crucial national matters such as discussions on the proposed revenue allocation formula and formation of parliamentary leadership.

According to sources, Coast ODM lawmakers have been meeting to execute the plans to form the new party, signalling their plans to ditch the Raila Odinga-led outfit.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2020, 01:39:40 AM »
We have always given our utmost support to legislators from Nyanza and expected them to do the same but we feel they betrayed us,” Mr Tayari said.

Other Coast MPs who have supported Vuguvugu la Mageuzi Pwani movement are Michael Kingi (Magarini), Andrew Mwadime (Mwatate), Jones Mlolwa (Voi), Aisha Jumwa (Malindi),  Khatib Mwashetani (Lunga Lunga), Paul Katana (Kaloleni), Sharif Ali (Lamu East) and Mohamed Ali of Nyali.

Coast Parliamentary Group chairman and Galole MP Said Hiribae also supported plan to form their own party.

Offline Pajero

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2020, 01:03:51 PM »
Punda pundito, i asked for just one name of an mp from coast in last parliament who rebelled against ODM,defected to jubilee and retained his seat.I didnt ask for news paper exctracts or who is about to form what.Which part of my english dont you understand.lets be objective and factual,not hypothetical.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2020, 01:30:47 PM »
ODM is history in coast. The sooner you accept the better. Jubilee had a problem with Kenyatta landgrabbing brand. That brand is now inherited by Raila and he has lost Coast.

Let see the by-election for directions.

Meanwhile Raila should try to get Kingi before noon. I believe once Kwale and Kilifi form their Mijikenda party - then it's game over for ODM in the coast.

YOU MISTREATED AND BETRAYED THEM - Leaving on reliable stone on your hand to go for two in the bush :) :)

Addressing the press at Parliament Buildings yesterday, 10 MPs led by Kilifi North MP Owen Baya said it's time to severe links with ODM. They are Mohammed Ali (Nyali), Michael Kingi (Magarini), Aisha Jumwa (Malindi), Sharif Ali (Lamu East), Andrew Mwadime (Mwatate), Khatib Mwashetani (Lunga Lunga), Jones Mlolwa (Voi) Paul Katana (Kaloleni) and Benjamin Tayari (Kinango).

Punda pundito, i asked for just one name of an mp from coast in last parliament who rebelled against ODM,defected to jubilee and retained his seat.I didnt ask for news paper exctracts or who is about to form what.Which part of my english dont you understand.lets be objective and factual,not hypothetical.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2020, 05:35:53 PM »
The political day is still too young.  I think by 2022 Ruto will be burned out.  This is the problem with stealing too much money. If Ruto did not have too much money, he would have been more patient and would have been in a much better shape.  Right now he is looking more like a drowning man. The people of the lake say that what gets people to drown faster is the panic.  Ruto is panicking right now that his "kujipanga" is being dismantled piece by piece.

ODM is history in coast. The sooner you accept the better. Jubilee had a problem with Kenyatta landgrabbing brand. That brand is now inherited by Raila and he has lost Coast.

Let see the by-election for directions.

Meanwhile Raila should try to get Kingi before noon. I believe once Kwale and Kilifi form their Mijikenda party - then it's game over for ODM in the coast.

YOU MISTREATED AND BETRAYED THEM - Leaving on reliable stone on your hand to go for two in the bush :) :)

Addressing the press at Parliament Buildings yesterday, 10 MPs led by Kilifi North MP Owen Baya said it's time to severe links with ODM. They are Mohammed Ali (Nyali), Michael Kingi (Magarini), Aisha Jumwa (Malindi), Sharif Ali (Lamu East), Andrew Mwadime (Mwatate), Khatib Mwashetani (Lunga Lunga), Jones Mlolwa (Voi) Paul Katana (Kaloleni) and Benjamin Tayari (Kinango).

Punda pundito, i asked for just one name of an mp from coast in last parliament who rebelled against ODM,defected to jubilee and retained his seat.I didnt ask for news paper exctracts or who is about to form what.Which part of my english dont you understand.lets be objective and factual,not hypothetical.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ODM suspends MP Baya over links with DP Ruto
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2020, 05:44:48 PM »
Ruto has always been like this kichwa - that is why he is 53yrs DPORK going 10yrs and giving combined dynasties hell - don't expect him will take the eyes of the ball - money for ruto is just a tool to attain his burning ambition - otherwise he'd out there in las vegas blowing money away.

Prepare for battle royale with your old tired Raila ;)

The political day is still too young.  I think by 2022 Ruto will be burned out.  This is the problem with stealing too much money. If Ruto did not have too much money, he would have been more patient and would have been in a much better shape.  Right now he is looking more like a drowning man. The people of the lake say that what gets people to drown faster is the panic.  Ruto is panicking right now that his "kujipanga" is being dismantled piece by piece.