Author Topic: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age  (Read 3029 times)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« on: June 28, 2020, 09:19:55 PM »
In 1940 one of the more aggressive of these settlements appeared along the lower boundaries of the Ngaia forest in Igembe. Its appearance shocked district administrators and Njuri elders alike, for it was the first time Gikuyu had dared to penetrate the Meru north. Igembe elders initially approached the settlers with offers of adoption into their respective clans, a decision that would have placed them both within tradition and under control. They were contemptuously spurned.

The elder's anxiety deepened when members of the Ngaia settlement began to cultivate the very land that the Njuri Nceke had set aside as a protected zone. In Meru strips of land immediately beneath the lower forest rim had traditionally been protected, by Njuri proclamation, from cultivation, wood cutting, grazing, or any other activity that might harm trees. The result was the creation of an unmarked but universally respected buffer zone between human activities and the forest.

It was this zone, no doubt still highly fertile, that the Gikuyu chose to farm. In January 1940 a delegation of Njuri elders ordered them to leave. The Gikuyu refused. The Njuri Nceke then appealed to the district commissioner. In February 1940, Lambert personally visited the settlement, heard claims from both sides, then ordered the Gikuyu to depart within twenty days.

Initially they agreed. During the subsequent weeks, however, they worked day and night to plant every inch of the buffer zone with millet. In so doing, they followed both Gikuyu and Meru tradition, establishing the right to remain ("by their seed") on the disputed land until the harvest.

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Had the incident occurred during the 1800s the Njuri Nceke would have sent warriors to expel the intruders at the moment they appeared. Had they come in the 1920s it would have done nothing, stripped of its powers and officially banned. Its decision in the fall of 1940 illustrates the degree to which the institution had recovered both its traditional authority and self-respect.

In October 1940 Njuri elders appeared in scores along the entire length of the Gikuyu fields. Singing, dancing, and waving tufts of grass as the traditional sign that they came in peace, the elders reaped the entire crop. Furious, the Gikuyu appealed en masse to the district commissioner. Completely aware of the symbolism behind the Njuri actions, Lambert dismissed their suit and expelled them from the district.[34] This became a symbolic act in itself, setting a precedent of which every elder soon became aware: if the Njuri reaped what aliens had sown, the government would support them.

For Lambert the incident must have proved a quiet triumph, a moment marking the culmination of his work, McKeag's, and perhaps Hopkins's before him: the restoration of the dignity of indigenous authority so that it could once more take up its work, then stand side by side with England to administer the tribe. The fragile alliance, colonial and Meru, had come to life. Ruling elders from the missions, regional Njuris, and district headquarters were in accord. To Lambert, it must indeed have seemed the dawn of a golden age.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2020, 09:46:17 PM »
This is in the 40s and come 50s they partnered to fight the Beberu under MAU MAU.
Not saying it wont come into fruitation but the seed planted in Mt Kenya the last 20 years is anti Raila, they were planted by none other than Raila himself. In that they were ready in 2017 to forefeit their interest e.g. Miraa sector which died in Jubilees era and still bote against Raila.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2020, 10:22:26 PM »
This is in the 40s and come 50s they partnered to fight the Beberu under MAU MAU.
Not saying it wont come into fruitation but the seed planted in Mt Kenya the last 20 years is anti Raila, they were planted by none other than Raila himself. In that they were ready in 2017 to forefeit their interest e.g. Miraa sector which died in Jubilees era and still bote against Raila.
Yes this is history I love its just like posting for pundit and njamba for their reads. Juat showing complex interactions between the communities. When faced with a common problem /enemy differences are forgotten. Am wondering if baba was never in kenyan politics it would have been very different. Possibly we would be voting even a mijikenda or maasai for pork. We wouldn't have anything to rally us together.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2020, 10:43:49 PM »
This is in the 40s and come 50s they partnered to fight the Beberu under MAU MAU.
Not saying it wont come into fruitation but the seed planted in Mt Kenya the last 20 years is anti Raila, they were planted by none other than Raila himself. In that they were ready in 2017 to forefeit their interest e.g. Miraa sector which died in Jubilees era and still bote against Raila.
Yes this is history I love its just like posting for pundit and njamba for their reads. Juat showing complex interactions between the communities. When faced with a common problem /enemy differences are forgotten. Am wondering if baba was never in kenyan politics it would have been very different. Possibly we would be voting even a mijikenda or maasai for pork. We wouldn't have anything to rally us together.

I concur with this. Even Moi and Jaromogi faired preety well compared to Raila. Meru is just anti Raila. The hatred was engineered by Raila himself when he started targeting its Members from 2003 to 2007

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2020, 11:10:02 PM »
Interesting Njuri on the real Njuri Ncheke.

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2020, 04:29:42 AM »
Listening to some Kirinyaga accents, they are closer to Embu and Meru than they are to Murang'a accents.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2020, 08:01:16 AM »
This is in the 40s and come 50s they partnered to fight the Beberu under MAU MAU.
Not saying it wont come into fruitation but the seed planted in Mt Kenya the last 20 years is anti Raila, they were planted by none other than Raila himself. In that they were ready in 2017 to forefeit their interest e.g. Miraa sector which died in Jubilees era and still bote against Raila.
Yes this is history I love its just like posting for pundit and njamba for their reads. Juat showing complex interactions between the communities. When faced with a common problem /enemy differences are forgotten. Am wondering if baba was never in kenyan politics it would have been very different. Possibly we would be voting even a mijikenda or maasai for pork. We wouldn't have anything to rally us together.

I concur with this. Even Moi and Jaromogi faired preety well compared to Raila. Meru is just anti Raila. The hatred was engineered by Raila himself when he started targeting its Members from 2003 to 2007
Perfectly said even Jaramogi was very respected and admired in Meru, During his period in Meru he really did well for the community, he even had a local mpango that sired Mpuri his half bro, Merus actually don't have a problem with luos BUT Raira. And Luos were feared by Merus because they were very highly educated. In 2007 the standard newspaper had it in cover page saying Merus will pay for stoning Raira in chuka. Problem witj raira is being vengeful and thats why even the mountain elites can't tosha him for pork, raira is hiding his claws and will immediately deal ruthlessly with GEMA once Pork. The machinations now are for gatheca stooge to get PORK with raira as the Weak PM, if Raira wants real power he should pact with Hustler any other pact will severely water down his chances for real power, gatheca has like 8 bigwigs on his back waiting for the ultimate prize but Ruto has none.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2020, 09:38:58 AM »
According to Oburu - give Raila even one day as PORK - they've reached Jaramogi desperation stage.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2020, 10:33:31 AM »
According to Oburu - give Raila even one day as PORK - they've reached Jaramogi desperation stage.
This is what made Jaramogi lose in 92. And Oburu is repeating same mistake how can you market Raira as being old meaning he wouldn't go past one term. What kind of nonsense is this instead of marketing him as a development minded person. GEMA and everyone else knows even 1 day in politics is very long. Basically even if Raira was pork for 1 year GEMA would suffer consequences equivalent to 5 years, 5 years multiply by 2,raira would basically restore country to socialism mode, rent, transport and other things would be controlled by state, this is paramount in Rairas ideology for state, most kabilas especially from western and coast would jubilate but mountain would suffer, other kenyans basically don't care about us and we understand, they would plunder us seriously. We would be at the mercy of kabilas and state. The Gema elites know this too well, milk, coffee,tea, horticultural and other produce would be regulated, life would be cheap for the watu wa kawaida at the sweat and blood of GEMA.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Njuri Versus Gikuyu: The Meru Golden Age
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2020, 11:39:51 AM »
You can bet slumdwellers will stop paying rent the same day. If you're a slumlord - you'll need to write them off. And so will low income areas dominated by Luos. Many who support Raila do so because they feel an historical injustice has been done to them (by GEMA mostly)....and Raila is suppose to come and even things out.

The biggest loser though won't be GEMA small or medium man...they really haven't stolen will be the big kahunas. Raila will come hard on them - he will throw a couple in prisons - and take their ill-gotten wealth.

This is why I don't believe GEMA elite will back Raila. It's a big unknown. Ruto at worst may become a MOI - but that still better than a revolutionary Raila.

This is what made Jaramogi lose in 92. And Oburu is repeating same mistake how can you market Raira as being old meaning he wouldn't go past one term. What kind of nonsense is this instead of marketing him as a development minded person. GEMA and everyone else knows even 1 day in politics is very long. Basically even if Raira was pork for 1 year GEMA would suffer consequences equivalent to 5 years, 5 years multiply by 2,raira would basically restore country to socialism mode, rent, transport and other things would be controlled by state, this is paramount in Rairas ideology for state, most kabilas especially from western and coast would jubilate but mountain would suffer, other kenyans basically don't care about us and we understand, they would plunder us seriously. We would be at the mercy of kabilas and state. The Gema elites know this too well, milk, coffee,tea, horticultural and other produce would be regulated, life would be cheap for the watu wa kawaida at the sweat and blood of GEMA.