Author Topic: Duale kicked out as Kimunya replaces him  (Read 3343 times)

Offline Garliv

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Re: Duale kicked out as Kimunya replaces him
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2020, 01:49:43 PM »
Robina you are right. When you are right, you are right.

Uhuru now wants to create something like "siege mentality" among Gema. So when others start complaining about Kikuyus taking over, then average kikuyu has no other option but to "defend..." This scheme will fail too...  Having Amos Kimunya as Majority Leader is sooo blatant in your face stupidity that one is left speechless... Ata Kimunya should have refused but then he wants to belong!

As they move on to purge Judiciary and IEBC to be Referendum-Ready, they send text "We are landing huko Mt. Kenya"; As we speak Muigai Njoroge who recently released a music hit complaining about demolitions and land issues is answering questions at Runda police. Dictatorship Express.

Uhuru just need GEMA - Raila and Ruto need NFD. Just 2 days ago entire Mandera County pledged loyalty to baba. They are doing just fine.

Big mistake - Duale is key cog in pastoralist north.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Duale kicked out as Kimunya replaces him
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2020, 02:05:22 PM »
Those contracts long disappeared. Gov operates in a yearly cycle. Once you lose favor in gov; they drie up so fast. And now Duale has to worry about court cases and KRA. But he made his hay while the sun shone. Unlike Raila and his clues ODM.
Btw, many here do not seem to realise Duale has in the last 7 years built a financial empire mainly catering for state organisations. The man cannot bite the hand taht is feeding him. Those huge contracts will disappear like snow in spring and he will be left high and dry.

Offline Garliv

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Re: Duale kicked out as Kimunya replaces him
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2020, 08:04:08 PM »
So they claim. We shall see. Kwanza in the next few weeks they have to battle Covid-19 much closer so their well laid plans may come to nothing.

Next month impeachment of ruto is on

Offline Jethro Mboro

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Re: Duale kicked out as Kimunya replaces him
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2020, 02:33:05 PM »
Next month impeachment of ruto is on

that is perhaps a no-go zone. it would win him public sympathy. the pain of watching your chicken being slaughtered as you watch and smile back in allegiance to power that be is worse than impeachment. it is like mockery. at best, they will wash his dirty linen in public and still retain him till the end of tnas reign. they will waste him and reduce him to a smiling and nodding guy.