Author Topic: Rebellion against Uhuru start in Mt Kenya - Kabogo, Kiunjuri, Martha and Wanjigi  (Read 3453 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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 The man is about to face the battle that will leave them like Mois in rift valley...not only ignored but disdained. Imagine having all wealth - and being despised.

If Uhuru thinks being PORK in Kenya is going to intimidate anybody in 20th century.

He needs more thinking. Like Moi did - imagining he was god gift to Kalenjin - he courted a rebellion against the poor - and they told him he was nothing but AN ORPHAN.

Kenyatta's are nothing but orphan witches of Magana :) . That is all Kikuyus need to tell them. They don't come from any royal family.

Tugen told Moi he was not even from any clan known for leadership..but was just a poor orphan turned lucky. And how could he arrogate himself the powers to decide Xyz was going to be a leader.

Offline Nefertiti

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Lol. You counting the chickens early. Anyway this Jubilee makelele- you need Koffi Anan or Kikwete to help sort the shenanigans. Am not sure it suicide or self- immolation... as the eyes reject the face and the head reject the body. Limaneni pole pole... as Raila sleepwalk to SH.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Pragmatic

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Pundito, You are all over the place.... relax. It is only politics and after all you have no dog in the fight!! I see you are struggling with accepting that hii imeisha vibaya hivi.

These people you list/mention were virulent backers of Uhuru. You can’t match their vehemence. How are they now saying we need an opposition in Kenya, didn’t they know that then?? They shouted that Raila was bothering them as they ruled Kenya... Raila is no longer bothering them. So is this the time they have discovered their Uhuru is so incompetent??

Ruto’s “..... There comes a time moment.....” was Bomas BBI 1. He should have made peace with it the way Saitoti made peace with his Kasarani kisirani slaying where Moi famously told him “.....kama (jina) haiko, haiko...., Professor Kimya🤫”. But Ruto being what he is thinks he can go head to head with the levers of state. As you remember the conductor of that symphony was one Tinga (Tractor ilimeza Kanu) 8) :D.

Garliv and you have said on some other wall that there is likelihood of violence or tribal clashes..... none of that whatsoever will come about. Ruto is absolutely nothing, zilch, without state resources. I previously shared here and advised that your boy had better go slowly, he was given some route to a managed exit, akanyeta; wacha akule ujeuri yake.

You recently sent a jibe at me as being about the only 2 Bukusus stuck in ODM (FYI - I am of the original FORD and only ODM today remains near representation of the original FORD) ... now watch and see where the Bukusu stand on this, they certainly aren’t anywhere near the thief’s camp. Wale wamekula pesa yake, the trough has been cut dry too soon na utaona wakirudi laini pole pole.

Have you noticed that once the senators respond to their show cause notice, even BBI 2 and Referendum could be mteremko nyweee and the little exercise of passing through Parliament and the senate/county assemblies will be a couple of days of choreographed choruses across the country??

Take it easy bro, you wanted Uhuru to show his fangs, he has bared them! And what bloodletting there is gonna be.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Punda take a cold shower and breath in. You are still mourning the thrashing of your king

Offline RV Pundit

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The Bukusu man from late OO Jukwaa. Not everyone has that defeatist attitude. Wait for us to go thro like 5-10 times loses like Raila and you guys. We are energized :). The good thing with Ruto brigade - they are very young and have no history of defeat - are no respecters of old reputation - and that is what Uhuru is going to get.

Anyway, this Ruto war - and I am just a dispassionate pundit as always.

Pundito, You are all over the place.... relax. It is only politics and after all you have no dog in the fight!! I see you are struggling with accepting that hii imeisha vibaya hivi.

These people you list/mention were virulent backers of Uhuru. You can’t match their vehemence. How are they now saying we need an opposition in Kenya, didn’t they know that then?? They shouted that Raila was bothering them as they ruled Kenya... Raila is no longer bothering them. So is this the time they have discovered their Uhuru is so incompetent??

Ruto’s “..... There comes a time moment.....” was Bomas BBI 1. He should have made peace with it the way Saitoti made peace with his Kasarani kisirani slaying where Moi famously told him “.....kama (jina) haiko, haiko...., Professor Kimya🤫”. But Ruto being what he is thinks he can go head to head with the levers of state. As you remember the conductor of that symphony was one Tinga (Tractor ilimeza Kanu) 8) :D.

Garliv and you have said on some other wall that there is likelihood of violence or tribal clashes..... none of that whatsoever will come about. Ruto is absolutely nothing, zilch, without state resources. I previously shared here and advised that your boy had better go slowly, he was given some route to a managed exit, akanyeta; wacha akule ujeuri yake.

You recently sent a jibe at me as being about the only 2 Bukusus stuck in ODM (FYI - I am of the original FORD and only ODM today remains near representation of the original FORD) ... now watch and see where the Bukusu stand on this, they certainly aren’t anywhere near the thief’s camp. Wake wamekula pesa yake, the trough has been cut dry too soon na utaona wakirudi laini pole pole.

Have you noticed that once the senators respond to their show cause notice, even BBI 2 and Referendum could be mteremko nyweee and the little exercise of passing through Parliament and the senate/county assemblies will be a couple of days of choreographed choruses across the country??

Take it easy bro, you wanted Uhuru to show his fangs, he has bared them! And what bloodletting there is gonna be.

Offline RV Pundit

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I am still mourning my father's dead but politics - boss relax. This is a hobby. Yes, I don't like how things are going.  But I have been in DP, NARC, ODM, URP, and Jubilee. I have seen it all - and still want WSR to nick this but I won't do more than I normally do - analyze politics.
Punda take a cold shower and breath in. You are still mourning the thrashing of your king

Offline Nefertiti

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Punda take a cold shower and breath in. You are still mourning the thrashing of your king

Tangatanga are in denial phase. Followed by anger (dangerous in RV), then depression, soul- searching and course- correction. My 2cents psychology.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Rvs will bottle all that until 2022. These are trained warriors. Emotions ni nyinyi.
atanga are in denial phase. Followed by anger (dangerous in RV), then depression, soul- searching and course- correction. My 2cents psychology.

Offline Nefertiti

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Pundito, You are all over the place.... relax. It is only politics and after all you have no dog in the fight!! I see you are struggling with accepting that hii imeisha vibaya hivi.

These people you list/mention were virulent backers of Uhuru. You can’t match their vehemence. How are they now saying we need an opposition in Kenya, didn’t they know that then?? They shouted that Raila was bothering them as they ruled Kenya... Raila is no longer bothering them. So is this the time they have discovered their Uhuru is so incompetent??

Ruto’s “..... There comes a time moment.....” was Bomas BBI 1. He should have made peace with it the way Saitoti made peace with his Kasarani kisirani slaying where Moi famously told him “.....kama (jina) haiko, haiko...., Professor Kimya🤫”. But Ruto being what he is thinks he can go head to head with the levers of state. As you remember the conductor of that symphony was one Tinga (Tractor ilimeza Kanu) 8) :D.

Garliv and you have said on some other wall that there is likelihood of violence or tribal clashes..... none of that whatsoever will come about. Ruto is absolutely nothing, zilch, without state resources. I previously shared here and advised that your boy had better go slowly, he was given some route to a managed exit, akanyeta; wacha akule ujeuri yake.

You recently sent a jibe at me as being about the only 2 Bukusus stuck in ODM (FYI - I am of the original FORD and only ODM today remains near representation of the original FORD) ... now watch and see where the Bukusu stand on this, they certainly aren’t anywhere near the thief’s camp. Wale wamekula pesa yake, the trough has been cut dry too soon na utaona wakirudi laini pole pole.

Have you noticed that once the senators respond to their show cause notice, even BBI 2 and Referendum could be mteremko nyweee and the little exercise of passing through Parliament and the senate/county assemblies will be a couple of days of choreographed choruses across the country??

Take it easy bro, you wanted Uhuru to show his fangs, he has bared them! And what bloodletting there is gonna be.

Uhuru is zeroing for the kill... am not sure what news Pundit is watching.  :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Uhuru is very decisive- GEMA, Ruto and everyone are exactly where he wants them. He even has an eye on RV.. as he checkmate Ruto with Kanu Pokot and Tugen. Calm down.

Rvs will bottle all that until 2022. These are trained warriors. Emotions ni nyinyi.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Garliv

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For possibility of violence; you have to have a "feel of Kenya.." An example, if Raila was "betrayed", probability are very high that political demonstrations and accompanying riots and stone throwing would be expected. Raila's henchmen would be making loads of noises all over the media. And probably Raila would lead a walk out out of the government. Or joining alliance with others.

For others they will not shout but anger will simmer. And eventually they will erupt.

Then remember (and do not forget it) Kenya is made up of Tribes/Nations/Communities (whatever label suits you) and when their "leaders" disagree or treat each other horribly such feelings are transferred from top to bottom. This is so with the big tribes. You fight with Raila and 99% chances Luos will fight you. You betray Ruto and 99% of Kalenjins feel betrayed. Within this matrix is where the trouble lies.

Just yesterday a  Luo colleague was laughing at Kip reminding him "Tuliwaambia hawa (Kikyus) will betray you at the end juu hawawezi achilia hii kiti but hamkuskia. Ona sasa mnalilia kwa choo..."  And I can tell you right now that even those Ruto supporters who were doubtful that Uhuru can "betray" Ruto have no further doubt. Attitudes will harden...

Do not underestimate Ruto. He has risen thus far. He snatched Kalenjin nation from Moi. He's favourite to be next President. You cannot as a serious leader in a multi-cultural society like Kenya just assume "he's nothing..." That is being delusional.     

Pundito, You are all over the place.... relax. It is only politics and after all you have no dog in the fight!! I see you are struggling with accepting that hii imeisha vibaya hivi.

These people you list/mention were virulent backers of Uhuru. You can’t match their vehemence. How are they now saying we need an opposition in Kenya, didn’t they know that then?? They shouted that Raila was bothering them as they ruled Kenya... Raila is no longer bothering them. So is this the time they have discovered their Uhuru is so incompetent??

Ruto’s “..... There comes a time moment.....” was Bomas BBI 1. He should have made peace with it the way Saitoti made peace with his Kasarani kisirani slaying where Moi famously told him “.....kama (jina) haiko, haiko...., Professor Kimya🤫”. But Ruto being what he is thinks he can go head to head with the levers of state. As you remember the conductor of that symphony was one Tinga (Tractor ilimeza Kanu) 8) :D.

Garliv and you have said on some other wall that there is likelihood of violence or tribal clashes..... none of that whatsoever will come about. Ruto is absolutely nothing, zilch, without state resources. I previously shared here and advised that your boy had better go slowly, he was given some route to a managed exit, akanyeta; wacha akule ujeuri yake.

You recently sent a jibe at me as being about the only 2 Bukusus stuck in ODM (FYI - I am of the original FORD and only ODM today remains near representation of the original FORD) ... now watch and see where the Bukusu stand on this, they certainly aren’t anywhere near the thief’s camp. Wale wamekula pesa yake, the trough has been cut dry too soon na utaona wakirudi laini pole pole.

Have you noticed that once the senators respond to their show cause notice, even BBI 2 and Referendum could be mteremko nyweee and the little exercise of passing through Parliament and the senate/county assemblies will be a couple of days of choreographed choruses across the country??

Take it easy bro, you wanted Uhuru to show his fangs, he has bared them! And what bloodletting there is gonna be.

Offline patel

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Bla bla bla the meantime Kibicho is piercing through your boy body armour like hot knife through butter. Ruto took power from moi bla bla was politically dead then, kalenjin were totally politically lost plus they thought Kibaki was going to come after their stolen anybody could have filed the gap.....Senate purge continue, all nominated senators who snubbed Uhuru to face the music...uhuru has found his voice by the time he is done with the Senate parliament will be a walk over.....Ruto will be left alone then impeached. Even Saddam had loyalists until the bombs started raining down...

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Oscar Sudi would be one party I would love to hear from.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Nefertiti

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No one disagrees with this tribal reality. The contention here is that GEMA will overthrow Uhuru and join Ruto. Not happening. War would actually make the hoi polloi all line up behind their leader. Uhuru with his decisive moves has GEMA in his grasp.

For possibility of violence; you have to have a "feel of Kenya.." An example, if Raila was "betrayed", probability are very high that political demonstrations and accompanying riots and stone throwing would be expected. Raila's henchmen would be making loads of noises all over the media. And probably Raila would lead a walk out out of the government. Or joining alliance with others.

For others they will not shout but anger will simmer. And eventually they will erupt.

Then remember (and do not forget it) Kenya is made up of Tribes/Nations/Communities (whatever label suits you) and when their "leaders" disagree or treat each other horribly such feelings are transferred from top to bottom. This is so with the big tribes. You fight with Raila and 99% chances Luos will fight you. You betray Ruto and 99% of Kalenjins feel betrayed. Within this matrix is where the trouble lies.

Just yesterday a  Luo colleague was laughing at Kip reminding him "Tuliwaambia hawa (Kikyus) will betray you at the end juu hawawezi achilia hii kiti but hamkuskia. Ona sasa mnalilia kwa choo..."  And I can tell you right now that even those Ruto supporters who were doubtful that Uhuru can "betray" Ruto have no further doubt. Attitudes will harden...

Do not underestimate Ruto. He has risen thus far. He snatched Kalenjin nation from Moi. He's favourite to be next President. You cannot as a serious leader in a multi-cultural society like Kenya just assume "he's nothing..." That is being delusional.     
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Bla bla bla the meantime Kibicho is piercing through your boy body armour like hot knife through butter. Ruto took power from moi bla bla was politically dead then, kalenjin were totally politically lost plus they thought Kibaki was going to come after their stolen anybody could have filed the gap.....Senate purge continue, all nominated senators who snubbed Uhuru to face the music...uhuru has found his voice by the time he is done with the Senate parliament will be a walk over.....Ruto will be left alone then impeached. Even Saddam had loyalists until the bombs started raining down...

When you read the actual headlines you get confused what Ruto minions are talking about here.  :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels