Pundito, You are all over the place.... relax. It is only politics and after all you have no dog in the fight!! I see you are struggling with accepting that hii imeisha vibaya hivi.
These people you list/mention were virulent backers of Uhuru. You can’t match their vehemence. How are they now saying we need an opposition in Kenya, didn’t they know that then?? They shouted that Raila was bothering them as they ruled Kenya... Raila is no longer bothering them. So is this the time they have discovered their Uhuru is so incompetent??
Ruto’s “..... There comes a time moment.....” was Bomas BBI 1. He should have made peace with it the way Saitoti made peace with his Kasarani kisirani slaying where Moi famously told him “.....kama (jina) haiko, haiko...., Professor Kimya🤫”. But Ruto being what he is thinks he can go head to head with the levers of state. As you remember the conductor of that symphony was one Tinga (Tractor ilimeza Kanu)

Garliv and you have said on some other wall that there is likelihood of violence or tribal clashes..... none of that whatsoever will come about. Ruto is absolutely nothing, zilch, without state resources. I previously shared here and advised that your boy had better go slowly, he was given some route to a managed exit, akanyeta; wacha akule ujeuri yake.
You recently sent a jibe at me as being about the only 2 Bukusus stuck in ODM (FYI - I am of the original FORD and only ODM today remains near representation of the original FORD) ... now watch and see where the Bukusu stand on this, they certainly aren’t anywhere near the thief’s camp. Wale wamekula pesa yake, the trough has been cut dry too soon na utaona wakirudi laini pole pole.
Have you noticed that once the senators respond to their show cause notice, even BBI 2 and Referendum could be mteremko nyweee and the little exercise of passing through Parliament and the senate/county assemblies will be a couple of days of choreographed choruses across the country??
Take it easy bro, you wanted Uhuru to show his fangs, he has bared them! And what bloodletting there is gonna be.