Waruguru the name literal meaning is "from the NORTH" but kikuyus defined north as anywhere west of Central .. so this woman is a fire-band. She is really burning akina Atwoli with her well crafted take downs.. She is vulgar and articulate. She is connecting with Mugithi Generation vilivyo. Uhuru should buy the woman and ask her to shut up.
Baba bought Aisha Juma. She is now quite. She was beating Baba vilivyo
Lol I got post some clips of this simpleton. You can tell she is a political genius and a well educated one
Her taking down Ochinga Lawyer advisor Orengo
I suspect she is a Mungiki Trojan Horse.. Maina Mungiki leader has realized that the way to get to Kikuyu men is by baiting them with a urbane good looking woman . He has Waruguru and that church evanglist