I am a student at time about to enter my senior year. I am reading DN online at College and I see that Moi has left the country. I make a few calls to a Kanu maverick Student leader who had schooled in India but was a YK92 Youthwinger in charge of Eastlands ward. He makes a few calls and we are notified that Moi had quitely left to attend a AGOA summit in Washington DC and is expected to make a speech at Hyatt hotel in DWT DC. I told him I will be there at the crack of dawn the following day. I send out an email to my friends to join me. No one joins only my roommate Deo and my best friend Sam K. We head for DC. I am driving until we get to the operative apartment. He is living a crazy life. it is winter and him and some Kalenjin are sharing a bedsitter in DTW DC. I tell the guy we need to find out if the meeting is on and what time. He makes a few calls and we confirm it is starting at 11 am. We head to HYATT hotel. We go in casually and go to their Coffee shop. We buy coffee and scope the place. We find where the meeting will be and the entrance. A group of 8 kikuyu ladies and two guys later join. they are well prepared with Placards. We set up a demonstration line.
BIG problem .. AL GORE is supposed to attend. A few minutes later AFLCIO starts a picket line. Later a statment is sent from VP office that he won't close Union picket line. therefore AL GORE cancels. Security withdraws and we resume our demo.
At 10.30 some delegates start asking us if what we were saying about moi was true. We show them Reports on tribal clashes. A group of businessmen decided to give us 4 passes to go in and confront MOI in the hall. So we send 4 guys. Two ex detaniees and two refugees of Molo clashes
Moi gets into the hall at 10.45. Andrew Young gives the opening speech and at 11.30 moi is given the podium. We told the guys to wait and until moi speeech touched on Peace and stability and one was to stand and shout him down and wave a placard. The 3 were to remain quite..so the first mention of peace guy stands and shouts Moi down. moi is frazzled and that makes he start stattering.. He composes himself and goes on. five minutes later the other activist jumps up and yells MOI you are Killer and waves a placard "YOU ARE here dining with a Killer".. Moi now gets quite and astonished he is schocked..the guy is kicked out.. then the other two ladies one by one shout and run up down the alllies of the hallway.. at point some delegates get up and walk out.. Andrew young apologises to Moi and moil hurriedly concludes his speech and leaves using the loading bay exit as we were blocking the main entrance.. Then later Hyatt hotel goes to Court and issues us a tresspass notice so we forced to move 100 Feet from the hotel.. at point the damage is done. we give our interviews to KTN and local news..
Some Capital hill intern an India that grew in Nairobi shows up later with full Moi's schedule and assures us clearance to get to all Mois meeting. that evening Moi leaves DC and runs away to avoid further embarrassment.
He later fires the ambassador for not doing enough to keep his meetings secret
My neighbors see me on KTN and are worried stiff . they never told my parents until years later
GUMO approached us with an offer for Money and we declined. He really begged us to give Moi an opporunity to sell Kenya