Author Topic: Gender Dysphoria vs Transgenders  (Read 4098 times)

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Re: Gender Dysphoria vs Transgenders
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2019, 05:11:11 PM »
Ms Robina,
I have no problem with tattoos, and they are not really a problem here where our melanin generally makes the art less popular, but I would not advise anyone to overdo it especially given reversing is difficult.

DSM-5 lists Gender dysphoria as a mental condition. Please check it up. Transgenders has become something of a fad and parents are bowing to the whims of their prepubescent kids to do surgery and hormones to accommodate them. That's scary and Kadame explains why. Kids outgrow dysphoria for the better part. So extreme measures to deal with it tend to be regrettable and irreversible.

My point is, there is simply no difference between dysphoria and transgenders. They should be accommodated but at the same time we can't ignore science.

I personally believe transgenders are simply homosexuals who transition to boost their chances of getting laid. If you are attracted to women, then looking like a man would theoretically attract more women(straight and lesbians) ,but Lesbians want women not women wannabes. And straight women want men not men wannabes. Transgenders suffer more sexual frustration as a result. Very hard to get sex partners. That's why they hate lesbians and gays.

Are there celibate transgenders?

My point was you use derogatories like "mutilate their bodies" to barely veil your disgust. They simply transition. I used tattoos as an example of how parochial old-schoolers deride people who love art by insisting what others love and opt to do by choice is "mutilation". It is not mutilation - it's just art - or gender transition - unless you are a close-minded bigot.

About falsely transitioning gender - rape or sexual harassment is a crime. I would imagine there are celibate and perverted and rapists and whatnot transgenders. Just as we have bigoted and pedo priests - cats among the pigeons - who ruin the priesthood's otherwise good name. Transgenders are just people and there are some rotten fruits as in all other baskets.

At the lunatic asylum, there are some loonies who believe they are rock-stars, priests, gods, demons and other delusions. Some of course think they are their opposite gender.  Those are the minority, the reason transgenders are misunderstood, is because of misrepresentation by radical conservatives who imagine people transition for fun. And this somehow threatens them. There is no benefit or advantage to being any gender otherwise we would only have transgender men or women - depending which side you think is favorite. I have transgender friends and it is really a daily struggle that starts with childhood problems as people insist a girl be a girl, followed by the rest of society, government, schools, employers - before you meet the all-knowing feminists and Pastor vooke. Invariably the most bothered by the matter are religious types. They will say Jesus embraces all but they will suffer the irony of their discordant message. For feminists it is just the reality that if there are other more discriminated groups, their status as victims is diluted. They are parasites and must fight for survival.

No, gender dysphoria is not even a disorder. As bitmask or I think Kadame notes, gender is a continuum. There are even people with both male and female sexual organs for instance and that does not make them mad.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.