Of Ethiopia. There are industrial parks under construction in nearly every major town under constructions. Mostly Chinese and Indians. Around 500 acres big each. Gov of Uganda acquired the land and give it for free to Chinese - and plus 10 yrs tax holiday. I have been holed in one the last two days - after my truck broke down inside it - and Chinese are working 14hrs daily - building factories - for anything from making bulbs to smartphones assemblies.
Kenya nothing - except DL Langat Eldoret one. The last EPZ was built by Moi in 1990s in Athi River/Kitengela. SEZ just exist in paper - so is Naivasha Kengen, Leather park in Athi and of course Dongo Kundu.
Museveni is transforming Uganda...Kampala one - Namanve is already a mature industrial park.
The establishment of Up-Country Industrial Parks by UIA is in progress:-
1. Soroti IPB is 350 km North East of Kampala and is 219 acres in size. Five acres of land in the IBP have been allocated to the Teso Fruit Farmers Association to tap the large fruit potential in the region.
2. Kasese IBP ( 217 acres) is located 430 km from Kampala in Western Uganda near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC). The IBP location is intended to stimulate agricultural products value addition and mineral beneficiation in the region.
3. Mbarara SME Park is a 12 acre facility built up to cater for small scale enterprises adjacent to Mbarara Municipality 280 km southwest of Kampala.
4. Mbale IBP is located in Mbale Municipality 250 km East of Kampala.
5. The Jinja IBP ( 182 acres located 80 km east of Kampala) is being established. More land is to be acquired in the near future. Jinja is being re-activated as a major industrial town that it once was.
6. In Moroto, 417 acres of land have been identified for acquisition. Mineral beneficiation activities are being targeted for employment generation.
7. Negotiations to acquire 500 acres of land to establish the Gulu IBP at have been initiated. Gulu is 350 km North of Kampala.
8. Land ( 150 acres) has been identified for the establishment of an IBP in Kabarole and Kyenjojo Districts.
9. It is planned that in 2011/12 land for an Oil Park ( 500 acres) be procured in the Masindi / Hoima area.
10. In implementing the Presidential Initiative ( PIRT) it is planned that a Leather Tanning Park ( 300 acres) be established in Eastern Uganda.
11. Bids to provide IPB land continue to be received by the UIA from Masaka, Bushenyi, Lira, Iganga and Mubende.