Now you're talking. Parliamentary system will greatly advantage smaller tribes - and would breed so much instability considering kenya really no majority tribes - all tribes are now max 15% - I expect Kikuyu figures to drop from 17.5% in 2009 to around 15% when Census are released the last Q of this year - Luhyas and Kalenjin will probably be around 15% - then others around 10% - so you can see Kenya has very many small tribes.
Federalism aka Majimbo is what we need - and I am glad central has finally come around it. Federalism would mean counties are allowed to collect and keep most of taxes...federal gov in Nairobi will say takes 10-20% of VAT/PAYE - with majority staying those counties. Federal Gov will collect national taxes including customs.
This will unlock counties to try develop their counties so they can get taxes. Counties will be free to borrow, to invite investors, dish out land.
But are central really ready for MAJIMBO. Me think they are not ready. Maybe another 10yrs under Ruto.
What has central gotten from PORK - in 10yrs - well Kikuyu continue to dominate pubic services - they dominate policy making - therefore it goes without sayings they have it good.
If it came down to parliamentary system GEMA would insist on party list proportional representation or county. This would mean abolishing the current constituency, an uphill battle. Other than politicians, who cares about 50/50 deal? I mean what have we gotten now that we have presidency (supposedly) and 50% of government. The key thing GEMA should be advocating for is federalism. Start by reviewing what're national taxes and local taxes. And what percentage of taxation counties should keep.