Tues 9th August 2022, Election Day
From Trump to Saudishttps://medium.com/@jeffreypbezos/no-thank-you-mr-pecker-146e3922310f
Quote from: vooke on February 09, 2019, 12:35:14 AMFrom Trump to Saudishttps://medium.com/@jeffreypbezos/no-thank-you-mr-pecker-146e3922310fMkwasi,Adultery was only a capital offense in the middle ages. Not anymore. Bezos didnt kill nobody, why should he bow down to blackmail. Somebody has to standaup to these bullies. Khashoggi died a gruesome death. That is the crime here - A MAN DIED - and the leader of the free world thinks Washington Post has no business staying on the story.Think about it, you are murdered and you life is nothing because bigger national interests are at stake. Geez pastor...
Saw something along these linesBezos: Alexa, send my nudes to my personal admirer.Alexa: Nudes succesfully sent to national enquirer. Would you like to resume rainforest sounds?