While studying 'the concubine" by Elechi Amadi, in High School, we learned to accept different explanations about life happenings. Scientific explanations are very recent. Just like Africans accepted many gods, they also accept many paradigms of explaining or understanding the world. For example, when a luo person dies in a car accident, the luo people do not dispute the scientific explanation of the cause of death, they just offer another explanations which is not contradictory to the scientific explanation. Christians can also do the same. Yes, Wambui's cooperation with the thieves saved her her life, but why does that have to be the only explanation, why can't her Christian faith explanation of why her life was spared be dismissed just because you do not share her faith. I think Wambui understands that her cooperation was key to her survival, but she gives credit also to her Christian faith, teachings, discipline for making it possible to be hopeful and therefore cooperative with the thieves. Let us not be narrow mindedly scientific.
Precisely.I think what save people in such situation is not god - but a bit of luck and utmost cooperation with the thugs once they have you.
This nonsense of god this god that in such situations leaves so many gaps in picking small details which can unlock such cases. Instead of praying can you hear whether the thugs when calling are talking of place names such as the ATMs where they are withdrawing cash from? Are they using police talk -crew, afande? When an opening such as Wambui wife coincidence comes can you probe further tactfully - after all you are a journalist. Four hours and you only tell us about god this god that!!
Religion has really dumbed down our knowledge seeking behaviours.