Why is your government allowing ranching in semi arid Queensland. It is a travesty to nature to subject such an ecosystem to million of cattles. The Chinese need for beef is going really to put the last nail in the global warming coffin. Seeing those Aussies idiot cowboys claiming they are using technology to coquer nature made feel sad and enragedm...
On your conference. Arboriginals made a cardinal mistake of allowing Europeans to conquer their land..this type of conference are white priveledge talk shops. They a carthitic rituals to whitewash Europeans savagery..you cannot restore someone equal right without giving them their economic right..those white women and men talking all this shit aren't ready to lose their priveledge to Aboriginal or Islanders
What the f Veri are you guys doing there down and under..I thinkwe need to come there and relocate all of you out before your burn the world