It is indeed like being in the closet because I am yet to meet a devout atheist in person. I have only read of such on blogs etc. On your poor santa analogy, if I didnt believe in santa (who is actually a figment of our imagination meant to entice the kids), then I would believe in nothing...Santa symbolizes or has been associated with christmas which I believe in and you probably dont because that would mean that you believed in the birth of Christ. I dont believe in sanat but enjoy and celebrate christmas, those two are not mutually exclusive. Religion is different, its a total package, comes with its own rules of engagement, requires you to believe, logic and science cannot explain it......but we all know about that...I am curious as to how a christian turns into an atheist.....I am assuming there was a turning point, because most of our decisions are based on experiences learned or otherwise acquired.
I enjoy and celebrate Christmas festivities. I even understand it celebrates the birth of Christ, whose historical existence I have no reason to doubt.
Atheism is an oddity, for sure. Because it goes against the grain. Maybe it is even antisocial on some level. Not sharing the common belief of a group.
I tend to ask questions on the religious. But I think I should also ask why I am atheistic. Part of me says, it's because I understood in principle, why Christians(Catholics in my case) believe what they believe.
The Catholic church, more than most others, pushes the consistency of the religion and beliefs with logic. You can see that in the Kadame/vooke exchanges. It also values traditions quite a bit. Hence the presence of what some might consider strange rituals. You can ask questions and attempts will be made to answer them logically.
The vookeish evangelicals on the other hand, brooke no challenge to Biblical teachings. If it contradicts the Bible, you are not supposed to broach it, for lack of a better analogy. If you do, you will be met with all manner recriminations, prayers and curses, casting of the demons out of you etc.
I think it easier, to make the leap from Catholicism to atheism.