I disagree with the court. Both FiDa and the article they were fighting are wrong. You can't create such hard and fast mechanical rules around this issue like that if you wanna be fair. What I hate about these politically charged manenos is that there's never room for nuance and reasonableness.
A housewife (or househusband) who has been married to someone 28 years of their life has contributed a lot that cannot be measured in strictly tangible terms. A law that simply says mechanically "Everyone gets out what they brought in" will simply screw over people like this for no good reason. They may not be entitled to half, sure, but they are surely not entitled to zero either! How can any reasonable person be ok with such a state of affairs?
Similarly, a young pretty thing married to a tycoon for some 3 or 5 years should not be entitled to walk out with half his wealth just because they were married. No reasonable person would think that was fair.
This law saying you are entitled to zero or FIDA saying you are entitled to half no matter the circumstances are both very unreasonable IMO.
You need more nuance around these things than is being displayed by the MPs and even FIDA. I hope this is appealed to the highest levels and the law quashed and the MPs get a chance to create more reasonable rules around the division of matrimonial property but not on the terms that FIDA demand.