I think part of education (equipping schools) should be devolved. National Gov should deal with capitation(for every student or pupil), teachers,policy and exams. Only ECDE is now devolved.
Counties are best placed to know whether to prioritise laptops (for example in Nairobi) or basic structures in turkana. Some schools with electricity are ready for laptops..some not.
If we split 24B(laptops) and 10B(for books); That is already 34B; nearly every county can get an extra 1B for building schools; or each school assuming an average of 300 schools per county; could be get significant funding;
Of course UhuRuto and thugs like Centum want to keep 34B so they can skim off 3.4B (10%) of the deal.
We have to keep fighting the corrupt gangs in National Gov....local gangs in counties should be dealt at county level.