My theory
The driver attempted a stupid stunt I have often done between Mlolongo and Machakos Junction; overtaking on the
He saw a lorry on the right lane with a boda boda behind it and jumped to the left to overtake.
As he approached the lorry, the Boda boda switched lanes as well to overtake. Boda boda was on slightly higher speed than the lorry meaning it obstructed the speeding Benz for some painful precious seconds. To the right is the lorry, to the left is the Boda.
Instead of braking AND stoping behind the Boda boda till all was clear, he braked, and then figured there was enough space between the overtaking boda boda and the guard rail.
He attempted to squeeze himself through that space.
To pull this off, the Benz has to be very much parallel to the rail lest he chews it.
Sadly he 'bit' part of the exposed rail edge with the left headlamp, onto the Tyre before impaling the GVN.
This explains why the Benz chewed the entire part of the guard rail without veering off the road/pavement. It never hit the rail at a tangent.
Back to my antics on Mombasa Rd. If there are painfully slow trailers and busy incoming traffic, I(and other idiots) step on the pavement and overtake the trailers ON THE LEFT.
A simple miscalculation will drive you under the trailer or throw you off. That or your ride gets some nasty scratches or even torn from the giant wheels and thick steel on your right!
Like any other normal primate, nobody admits liability (especially when it borders on idiocy) in an accident. Work with that when following the driver's account