South Korea is small country of 100km by 100km - that is size of one county in kenya - and the amount of dollars and fdi they got from US - was enough to transform it anyway- and fact that it sit next to Japan - an industrial power house - make that model inapplicable to kenya.
At a first cut, population size is more significant that physical area. The population of South Korea is around 51 million.
Area matters in terms of land for agriculture and population density etc. In any case you have the area hopelessly wrong. It is nothing like 100km by 100km. Do you ever get tired of simply making up absurd "facts"?
Also, while Kenya might be physically large, the population is actually concentrated in a relatively small part.
Given that you are so far off-base on even basic facts, it would probably be pointless to ask you give USA FDI amounts by year, what it went into, and what effect it had. For example, what was the total amount of FDI that went into South Korea from all sources (not just the USA) from, say, 1960 to 1980? When did the country liberalize regulations on FDI? Etc.
Likewise it would probably be pointless to ask you exactly how the proximity of Japan made that "model" more applicable in South Korea than it would be elsewhere.
All in all, I'd recommend a quick study of some simple facts and then a real reading of the history of the place.