Tues 9th August 2022, Election Day
Amidst barricades on roads, running battles between residents and anti-police, deaths, injuries and poll boycott in Kisumu, the highlight of the day on Friday was a rare show of unity, compassion and tolerance between the two combatant parties.Tens of protestors in Kisumu on Friday evening on two occasions came to the rescue of anti-riot police officers after their water cannons broke down.On one occasion, a water canon that came to quell riots in Kisumu veered off the road and rammed into a wall in the leafy suburbs of Milimani Estate.At some point the officers were hostile and did not want help but they later accepted to be aided by locals who joined in with the help of a lorry to pull it away from the wall.http://www.nation.co.ke/counties/kisumu/Kisumu-protesters-help-police/1954182-4159954-21ruq7/index.html
I know a republic where the green death machine would have been looted first and its occupants shaken down tothe last coin.